Remote contact layout is too tall for small screens
The layouts for LinkExchangeFragment and NicknameFragment don't work well on small screens: for LinkExchangeFragment the Continue button is mostly offscreen, and for NicknameFragment the nickname field and Add Contact button are entirely offscreen, making it unclear what the user's meant to do next.
Screenshots come from the Huawei Ascend Y330 (480x800 px).
Possible workarounds:
- Scroll to the bottom of each fragment when it's opened
- Remove the illustration from NicknameActivity or make it smaller
- Move the stepper to the bottom, below the button (I know we decided it was better at the top, and apart from this issue I'd prefer to keep it there)
- Divide the workflow into three steps rather than two: send link, enter link, and enter nickname (this has disadvantages for the flows where the user opens the activity by sharing a link from another app, or with a link already in the clipboard)