Crash when unlinking briar and mailbox + wifi off
Steps to reproduce
- in Briar go to settings and open the Mailbox status screen
- If mailbox is running, on this status screen tap on Unlink.
- a Dialogue box will come up asking the user to confirm the unlinking
- before tapping on Unlink on this dialogue box, go to the device settings and switch the wifi off
- Then return to Briar and tap on the unlink that is still showing in the dialogue box
Expected results
- Briar should handle it gracefully and continue the unlinking process either frm teh dialogue box or from the status screen
Actual results
- Briar crashes when I tap on unlink on the dialogue box
I also sent reports from the device itself. I used Pixel 2 phone.
A bit of a corner case, true, and not very probable in reality... so not the highest priority
Edited by Ivana