Briar Desktop is now available for download as `.deb` and `.jar` files for Linux operating systems.
We intend to support Windows and macOS in the future but are still working on this.
Thank you to everyone who has tested Briar Desktop and sent feedback! We’ve fixed a lot of bugs and made many improvements thanks to your feedback.
Choose the appropriate version for your system, you only need one file:
-[Ubuntu 20.04 and compatible .deb]( Linux Mint 20.X (Ulyana, Ulyssa, Uma, Una), elementaryOS 6.X (Odin, Jólnir), Trisquel 10 (Nabia)
-[Debian stable (bullseye) and compatible .deb]( MX Linux MX-21
-[Ubuntu 18.04 and compatible .deb]( Linux Mint 19.X (Tara, Tessa, Tina, Tricia), elementaryOS 5.X (Juno, Hera), Trisquel 9 (Etiona)
If your system is not based on any of the distros above, you can download this jar file:
-[Generic Linux .jar]( run using `java -jar <file>` and make sure to use JRE 17.
Help Briar by [translating Briar Desktop into your language](!
If you'd like to be informed about future Briar releases, or are interested in getting involved in the project, please [join the community](/get-involved)!
All our software is open source - you can [browse the source
code]( or [build
the app from source](