From 55af22ca04c6916c9408b8f6516cd086dfda648d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Torsten Grote <>
Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2016 21:05:06 -0200
Subject: [PATCH] Update translations and expiry date

 briar-android/.tx/config                      |   2 +-
 briar-android/res/values-de/strings.xml       | 122 +++---
 briar-android/res/values-es/strings.xml       |  96 +++--
 briar-android/res/values-fr/strings.xml       | 362 ++++++++++++++++++
 briar-android/res/values-it/strings.xml       |  38 +-
 briar-android/res/values-pt-rBR/strings.xml   |  28 +-
 briar-android/res/values-sq/strings.xml       | 362 ++++++++++++++++++
 .../android/         |   4 +-
 8 files changed, 873 insertions(+), 141 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 briar-android/res/values-fr/strings.xml
 create mode 100644 briar-android/res/values-sq/strings.xml

diff --git a/briar-android/.tx/config b/briar-android/.tx/config
index 709fd6acff..893ff42a84 100644
--- a/briar-android/.tx/config
+++ b/briar-android/.tx/config
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 host =
-lang_map = pt_BR: pt-rBR
+lang_map = pt_BR: pt-rBR, fr_FR: fr
 file_filter = res/values-<lang>/strings.xml
diff --git a/briar-android/res/values-de/strings.xml b/briar-android/res/values-de/strings.xml
index e3f4537551..343c5f53c7 100644
--- a/briar-android/res/values-de/strings.xml
+++ b/briar-android/res/values-de/strings.xml
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-  <string name="setup_title">Briar Einrichten</string>
-  <string name="setup_explanation">Dein Briar-Konto wird verschlüsselt auf deinem Gerät gespeichert und nicht mit der \"Cloud\" synchronisiert. Wenn du Briar deinstallierst oder dein Passwort vergisst, kannst du dein Konto und deine Daten nicht wiederherstellen.</string>
-  <string name="choose_nickname">Wähle deinen Benutzernamen</string>
-  <string name="choose_password">Wähle dein Passwort</string>
+  <string name="setup_title">Briar einrichten</string>
+  <string name="setup_explanation">Dein Briar-Konto wird verschlüsselt auf Deinem Gerät gespeichert und nicht mit der \"Cloud\" synchronisiert. Wenn Du Briar deinstallierst oder Dein Passwort vergisst, könenn das Konto und Deine Daten nicht wiederhergestellt werden.</string>
+  <string name="choose_nickname">Wähle Deinen Benutzernamen</string>
+  <string name="choose_password">Wähle Dein Passwort</string>
   <string name="confirm_password">Passwort bestätigen</string>
-  <string name="name_too_long">Name ist zu lang</string>
-  <string name="password_too_weak">Passwort ist zu schwach</string>
+  <string name="name_too_long">Name zu lang</string>
+  <string name="password_too_weak">Passwort zu schwach</string>
   <string name="passwords_do_not_match">Passwörter stimmen nicht überein</string>
   <string name="create_account_button">Konto anlegen</string>
-  <string name="progress_title_please_wait">Bitte warten...</string>
+  <string name="progress_title_please_wait">Bitte warten ...</string>
   <string name="enter_password">Passwort eingeben:</string>
   <string name="try_again">Passwort falsch, bitte erneut versuchen</string>
@@ -68,10 +68,11 @@
   <string name="send">Senden</string>
   <string name="no_data">Keine Daten</string>
   <string name="ellipsis">…</string>
+  <string name="text_too_long">Der eingegebene Text ist leider zu lang</string>
   <!--Contacts and Private Conversations-->
-  <string name="no_contacts">Du scheinst hier neu zu sein und noch keine Kontakte zu haben.\n\nTipp das \"+\"-Icon am oberen Bildschirmrand an und folge den Anweisungen, um Freunde zu deiner Kontaktliste hinzuzufügen.\n\nDenk daran: Du kannst neue Kontakte nur dann hinzufügen, wenn du ihnen physisch begegnest. Das hindert andere daran, sich als dich auszugeben oder deine Nachrichten abzufangen.</string>
+  <string name="no_contacts">Du scheinst hier neu zu sein und noch keine Kontakte zu haben.\n\nVerwende das \"+\"-Icon am oberen Bildschirmrand an und folge den Anweisungen um Freunde zu deiner Kontaktliste hinzuzufügen.\n\nDenke daran dass Du neue Kontakte nur dann hinzufügen kannst, wenn Du ihnen physisch begegnest. Das hindert andere daran, sich als Deine Person auszugeben oder Deine Nachrichten zu lesen.</string>
   <string name="date_no_private_messages">Keine Nachrichten.</string>
-  <string name="no_private_messages">Das ist die Gesprächsansicht.\n\nEs scheint hier einen Mangel an Gesprächsthemen zu geben.\n\nTipp einfach auf das Eingabefeld am unteren Bildschirmrand, um ein Gespräch zu beginnen.</string>
+  <string name="no_private_messages">Das ist die Gesprächsansicht.\n\nEs scheint hier einen Mangel an Gesprächsthemen zu geben.\n\nUm ein neues Gespräch zu beginnen, verwende einfach das Eingabefeld am unteren Bildschirmrand.</string>
   <string name="message_hint">Nachricht eingeben</string>
   <string name="delete_contact">Kontakt löschen</string>
   <string name="dialog_title_delete_contact">Löschen des Kontakts bestätigen</string>
@@ -80,13 +81,12 @@
   <!--Adding Contacts-->
   <string name="add_contact_title">Kontakt hinzufügen</string>
   <string name="your_nickname">Wähle die zu verwendende Identität:</string>
-  <string name="face_to_face">Du kannst eine Person nur als Kontakt hinzufügen, wenn du ihr physisch begegnest.  Das hindert andere daran, sich als dich auszugeben oder deine Nachrichten abzufangen.</string>
   <string name="continue_button">Weiter</string>
   <string name="your_invitation_code">Dein Einladungs-Code ist</string>
-  <string name="enter_invitation_code">Bitte gib den Einladungs-Code deines Kontakts an:</string>
-  <string name="searching_format">Such nach Kontakt mit Einladungs-Code %06d\u2026</string>
+  <string name="enter_invitation_code">Bitte gib den Einladungs-Code Deines Kontakts an:</string>
+  <string name="searching_format">Suche nach Kontakt mit Einladungs-Code %06d\u2026</string>
   <string name="connection_failed">Verbindung fehlgeschlagen</string>
-  <string name="could_not_find_contact">Briar kann Deinen Kontakt in der Nähe nicht finden</string>
+  <string name="could_not_find_contact">Briar kann Deinen Kontakt nicht innerhalb der Reichweite finden</string>
   <string name="could_not_open_camera">Es konnte nicht auf die Kamera zugegriffen werden. Bitte versuche es erneut.</string>
   <string name="try_again_button">Noch einmal versuchen</string>
   <string name="connected_to_contact">Mit Kontakt verbunden</string>
@@ -96,32 +96,30 @@
   <string name="waiting_for_contact">Warte auf Kontakt\u2026</string>
   <string name="exchanging_contact_details">Kontaktdetails werden ausgetauscht\u2026</string>
   <string name="codes_do_not_match">Codes stimmen nicht überein</string>
-  <string name="interfering">Das könnte daran liegen, dass jemand deine Verbindung stört</string>
+  <string name="interfering">Möglicherweise stört jemand Deine Verbindung</string>
   <string name="contact_added_toast">Kontakt hinzugefügt: %s</string>
   <string name="contact_already_exists">Kontakt %s existiert bereits</string>
   <string name="contact_exchange_failed">Kontaktaustausch fehlgeschlagen</string>
   <string name="qr_code_invalid">Der QR-Code ist ungültig</string>
   <string name="connecting_to_device">Verbinde mit Gerät\u2026</string>
   <string name="authenticating_with_device">Authentifiziere Gerät\u2026</string>
-  <string name="connection_aborted_local">Verbindung wurde durch uns abgebrochen! Das könnte daran liegen, dass jemand deine Verbindung stört.</string>
-  <string name="connection_aborted_remote">Verbindung wurde durch deinen Kontakt abgebrochen! Das könnte daran liegen, dass jemand deine Verbindung stört.</string>
+  <string name="connection_aborted_local">Verbindung wurde durch uns abgebrochen! Möglicherweise stört jemand Deine Verbindung.</string>
+  <string name="connection_aborted_remote">Verbindung wurde durch Deinen Kontakt abgebrochen! Möglicherweise stört jemand Deine Verbindung</string>
-  <string name="introduction_onboarding_title">Deine Konakte empfehlen</string>
+  <string name="introduction_onboarding_title">Mache Deine Kontakte untereinander bekannt</string>
+  <string name="introduction_onboarding_text">Du kannst Deine Kontakte untereinander bekannt machen. So können sie sich über Briar verbinden, ohne sich persönlich treffen zu müssen.</string>
   <string name="introduction_activity_title">Kontakt auswählen</string>
-  <string name="introduction_message_title">Kontakte einander empfehlen</string>
-  <string name="introduction_message_text">Du kannst eine Nachrircht verfassen, welche mit deiner Kontaktempfehlung an %1$s und %2$s mitgesendet wird.</string>
+  <string name="introduction_message_title">Kontakte untereinander bekannt machen</string>
+  <string name="introduction_message_text">Du kannst eine Nachricht erstellen die mit Deiner Kontaktempfehlung an %1$s und %2$s mitgesendet wird:</string>
   <string name="introduction_message_hint">Gib eine Nachricht ein (optional)</string>
   <string name="introduction_button">Kontaktempfehlung abgeben</string>
   <string name="introduction_sent">Deine Kontaktempfehlung wurde verschickt</string>
   <string name="introduction_error">Es gab einen Fehler beim Versuch, die Kontaktempfehlung zu verschicken</string>
   <string name="introduction_response_error">Fehler bei Antwort auf Kontaktempfehlung</string>
-  <string name="introduction_warn_different_identities_title">Vorsicht: Verschiedene Identitäten</string>
-  <string name="introduction_warn_different_identities_text">Du versucht zwei Kontakte zu empfehlen, welche du mit zwei verschiedenen Identitäten hinzugefügt hast. Es bedeutet wahrscheinlich, dass beide Identitäten zu dir gehören.</string>
   <string name="dialog_button_introduce">Als Kontakt empfehlen</string>
   <string name="introduction_request_sent">Du wolltest %1$s an %2$s als Kontakt empfehlen</string>
   <string name="introduction_request_received">%1$s schlägt vor, dich als Kontakt an %2$s zu empfehlen. Möchtest Du %2$s zu deiner Kontaktliste hinzufügen?</string>
   <string name="introduction_request_exists_received">%1$s schlägt vor, dich als Kontakt an %2$s zu empfehlen. %2$s ist allerdings bereits in deiner Kontaktliste. Da %1$s das vielleicht nicht weiss, kannst du trotzdem antworten:</string>
-  <string name="introduction_request_for_our_identity_received">%1$s schlägt vor, dich als Kontakt an %2$s zu empfehlen, aber %2$s ist eine deiner eigenen Identitäten. Deshalb kannst du die Empfehlung nicht annehmen:</string>
   <string name="introduction_request_answered_received">%1$s schlägt vor, dich als Kontakt an %2$s zu empfehlen. </string>
   <string name="introduction_response_accepted_sent">Du hast die Kontaktempfehlung für %1$s angenommen.</string>
   <string name="introduction_response_declined_sent">Du hast die Kontaktempfehlung von %1$s abgelehnt.</string>
@@ -133,15 +131,32 @@
     <item quantity="other">%d neue Kontakte hinzugefügt.</item>
   <!--Private Groups-->
+  <string name="groups_list_empty">Du bist in keiner Gruppe Mitglied.\n\nVerwende das + Symbol am oberen Rand um eine Gruppe zu erstellen oder frage bitte Deine Kontakte um Aufnahme in einer deren Gruppen.</string>
   <string name="groups_created_by">Erstellt durch %s</string>
   <plurals name="messages">
     <item quantity="one">%d Nachrichten</item>
     <item quantity="other">%d Nachrichten</item>
   <string name="groups_group_is_empty">Diese Gruppe ist leer.</string>
-  <string name="groups_group_is_dissolved">Diese Gruppe ist aufgelöst</string>
   <string name="groups_remove">Entfernen</string>
-  <string name="groups_add_group_title">Private Gruppe hinzufügen</string>
+  <string name="groups_create_group_title">Private Gruppe erstellen</string>
+  <string name="groups_no_messages">Diese Gruppe hat keine Teilnehmer.\n\nErstelle die erste Nachricht über das Stift-Symbol am oberen Rand.</string>
+  <string name="groups_create_group_button">Gruppe erstellen</string>
+  <string name="groups_create_group_invitation_button">Einladung schicken</string>
+  <string name="groups_create_group_hint">Gebe Deiner privaten Gruppe einen Namen</string>
+  <string name="groups_compose_message">Nachricht erstellen</string>
+  <string name="groups_message_sent">Nachricht gesendet</string>
+  <string name="groups_message_received">Nachricht erhalten</string>
+  <string name="groups_member_list">Mitglieder</string>
+  <string name="groups_invite_members">Mitglieder einladen</string>
+  <string name="groups_leave">Gruppe verlassen</string>
+  <string name="groups_dissolve">Gruppe auflösen</string>
+  <!--Private Group Invitations-->
+  <string name="groups_invitations_title">Gruppeneinladungen</string>
+  <string name="groups_invitations_invitation_received">%1$s hat dich eingeladen der Gruppe \"%2$s\" beizutreten.</string>
+  <string name="groups_invitations_joined">Gruppe beigetreten</string>
+  <string name="groups_invitations_declined">Gruppeneinladung abgelehnt</string>
+  <!--Private Groups Revealing Contacts-->
   <string name="no_forums">Du hast noch keine Foren.\n\nWarum erstellst du nicht einfach selbst ein neues Forum, indem du auf das \"+\"-Icon am oberen Bildschirmrand tippst?\n\nDu kannst auch deine Kontakte auffordern, Foren mit dir zu teilen.</string>
   <string name="create_forum_title">Neues Forum</string>
@@ -159,7 +174,6 @@
   <string name="forum_new_entry_received">Neuer Forenbeitrag</string>
   <string name="forum_new_message_hint">Neuer Eintrag</string>
   <string name="forum_message_reply_hint">Neue Antwort</string>
-  <string name="btn_reply">ANTWORTEN</string>
   <plurals name="message_replies">
     <item quantity="one">%1$d Antwort</item>
     <item quantity="other">%1$d Antworten</item>
@@ -171,7 +185,7 @@
   <string name="forum_left_toast">Forum wurde verlassen</string>
   <!--Forum Sharing-->
   <string name="forum_share_button">Forum teilen</string>
-  <string name="contacts_selected">Teile dieses Forum mit den gewählten Kontakten</string>
+  <string name="contacts_selected">Ausgewählte Kontakte</string>
   <string name="activity_share_toolbar_header">Kontakte auswählen</string>
   <string name="no_contacts_selector">Du scheinst hier neu zu sein und noch keine Kontakte zu haben.\n\nBitte komm zurück, wenn du deinen ersten Kontakt hinzugefügt hast.</string>
   <string name="forum_shared_snackbar">Forum mit gewählten Kontakten geteilt</string>
@@ -179,7 +193,6 @@
   <string name="forum_share_error">Es gab einen Fehler beim Versuch, dieses Forum zu teilen.</string>
   <string name="forum_invitation_received">%1$s hat das Forum \"%2$s\" mit dir geteilt.</string>
   <string name="forum_invitation_sent">Du hast das Forum \"%1$s\" mit %2$s geteilt.</string>
-  <string name="forum_show_invitations">Foreneinladungen anzeigen</string>
   <string name="forum_invitations_title">Foreneinladungen</string>
   <string name="forum_invitation_exists">Du hast bereits eine Einladung zu diesem Forum angenommen. Wenn du weitere Einladungen annimmst, wird die Kommunikation in dem Forum einfacher und das Forum wird wachsen.</string>
   <string name="forum_joined_toast">Dem Forum beigetreten</string>
@@ -199,25 +212,14 @@
   <string name="forum_shared_with">Geteilt mit</string>
   <string name="nobody">Niemand</string>
-  <string name="blogs_my_blogs_create">Blog erstellen</string>
-  <string name="blogs_my_blogs_label">Blog hinzufügen</string>
-  <string name="blogs_my_blogs_create_hint_title">Blog-Titel (kann nicht mehr geändert werden)</string>
-  <string name="blogs_my_blogs_create_hint_desc">Eine kurze Beschreibung deines neuen Blogs</string>
-  <string name="blogs_my_blogs_create_hint_desc_explanation">Der Inhalt der Beschreibung hilft möglichen Leserinnen und Lesern, sich zu entscheiden, ob sie dein Blog abonnieren möchten.</string>
-  <string name="blogs_my_blogs_created">Blog wurde erstellt</string>
-  <string name="blogs_blog_is_empty">Dieses Blog ist leer</string>
   <string name="blogs_other_blog_empty_state">Dieser Blog ist momentan leer.\n\nEntweder hat der Autor noch nichts geschrieben, oder die Person, die diesen Blog mit dir geteilt hat, muss online kommen, sodass Beiträge synchronisiert werden können.</string>
-  <string name="tag_new">NEU</string>
   <string name="read_more">weiterlesen</string>
   <string name="blogs_write_blog_post">Blogbeitrag erstellen</string>
-  <string name="blogs_write_blog_post_title_hint">Titel hinzufügen (optional)</string>
-  <string name="blogs_write_blog_post_body_hint">Gib hier deinen Blogbeitrag ein</string>
+  <string name="blogs_write_blog_post_body_hint">Gib hier Deinen Blogbeitrag ein</string>
   <string name="blogs_publish_blog_post">Veröffentlichen</string>
   <string name="blogs_blog_post_created">Blogbeitrag erstellt</string>
   <string name="blogs_blog_post_received">Neuen Blogbeitrag empfangen</string>
   <string name="blogs_blog_post_scroll_to">Scrolle zu</string>
-  <string name="blogs_blog_failed_to_load">Blog konnte nicht geladen werden</string>
-  <string name="blogs_blog_post_failed_to_load">Blogbeitrag konnte nicht geladen werden</string>
   <string name="blogs_feed_empty_state">Dies ist die globale Blog-Zeitleiste.\n\nOffensichtlich hat noch niemand etwas veröffentlicht.\n\nSei die oder der erste und tipp auf das Stift-Icon, um einen neuen Blogbeitrag zu verfassen.</string>
   <string name="blogs_personal_blog">%ss persönliches Blog</string>
   <string name="blogs_remove_blog">Blog entfernen</string>
@@ -226,8 +228,6 @@
   <string name="blogs_blog_removed">Blog wurde entfernt</string>
   <string name="blogs_reblog_comment_hint">Füge optionalen Kommentar hinzu</string>
   <string name="blogs_reblog_button">Rebloggen</string>
-  <string name="blogs_blog_list">Blogliste</string>
-  <string name="blogs_available_blogs">Verfügbare Blogs</string>
   <!--Blog Sharing-->
   <string name="blogs_sharing_share">Blog teilen</string>
   <string name="blogs_sharing_error">Es gab einen Fehler beim Versuch, dieses Blog zu teilen</string>
@@ -239,7 +239,6 @@
   <string name="blogs_sharing_response_declined_received">%s hat die Blogeinladung abgelehnt.</string>
   <string name="blogs_sharing_invitation_received">%1$s hat das persönliche Blog von %2$s mit dir geteilt.</string>
   <string name="blogs_sharing_invitation_sent">Du hast das persönliche Blog von %1$s mit %2$s geteilt.</string>
-  <string name="blogs_sharing_show_invitations">Blogeinladungen anzeigen</string>
   <string name="blogs_sharing_invitations_title">Blogeinladungen</string>
   <string name="blogs_sharing_exists">Du hast dieses Blog bereits abonniert. Ein neues Abo anzunehmen kann dazu führen, dass neue Einträge schneller verfügbar werden.</string>
   <string name="blogs_sharing_joined_toast">Blog abonniert</string>
@@ -252,22 +251,22 @@
   <string name="blogs_rss_feeds_manage">RSS-Feeds verwalten</string>
   <string name="blogs_rss_feeds_manage_imported">Importiert:</string>
   <string name="blogs_rss_feeds_manage_author">Autor:</string>
-  <string name="blogs_rss_feeds_manage_updated">Zuletzt aktualisiert:</string>
+  <string name="blogs_rss_feeds_manage_updated">Letzte Aktualisierung:</string>
   <string name="blogs_rss_feeds_manage_delete_error">Der Feed konnte nicht gelöscht werden!</string>
   <string name="blogs_rss_feeds_manage_empty_state">Du hast bisher noch keine RSS Feeds importiert. Tippe auf das \"+\"-Icon am oberen Bildschirmrand um einen neuen Feed hinzuzufügen.</string>
   <string name="blogs_rss_feeds_manage_error">Es gab ein Problem beim Laden deiner Feeds. Bitte versuche es später erneut.</string>
   <!--Settings Network-->
   <string name="network_settings_title">Netzwerke</string>
-  <string name="bluetooth_setting">Mit Bluetooth verbinden</string>
+  <string name="bluetooth_setting">Ãœber Bluetooth verbinden</string>
   <string name="bluetooth_setting_enabled">Sobald Kontakte in der Nähe sind</string>
   <string name="bluetooth_setting_disabled">Nur beim Hinzufügen von Kontakten</string>
-  <string name="tor_mobile_setting">Mit Tor verbinden</string>
+  <string name="tor_mobile_setting">Ãœber Tor verbinden</string>
   <string name="tor_mobile_setting_enabled">Wenn Wi-Fi oder Mobildaten verwendet werden</string>
-  <string name="tor_mobile_setting_disabled">Nur wenn Wi-Fi verwendet wird</string>
+  <string name="tor_mobile_setting_disabled">Nur wenn über Wi-Fi verbunden</string>
   <!--Settings Security and Panic-->
   <string name="security_settings_title">Sicherheit</string>
   <string name="change_password">Passwort ändern</string>
-  <string name="current_password">Jetziges Passwort eingeben:</string>
+  <string name="current_password">Aktuelles Passwort eingeben:</string>
   <string name="choose_new_password">Neues Passwort eingeben:</string>
   <string name="confirm_new_password">Neues Passwort bestätigen:</string>
   <string name="password_changed">Passwort wurde geändert.</string>
@@ -276,14 +275,14 @@
   <string name="panic_setting_hint">Lege fest, wie Briar auf eine Panik-Button-App reagiert</string>
   <string name="panic_app_setting_title">Panik-Button-App</string>
   <string name="unknown_app">eine unbekannte App</string>
-  <string name="panic_app_setting_summary">Keine App wurde eingerichtet</string>
+  <string name="panic_app_setting_summary">Keine App eingerichtet</string>
   <string name="panic_app_setting_none">Keine</string>
-  <string name="dialog_title_connect_panic_app">Bestätige Panic App</string>
-  <string name="dialog_message_connect_panic_app">Bist du sicher, dass du %1$s ermöglichen willst, Panik-Button-Ereignisse auszulösen, die zum Löschen von Daten führen?</string>
+  <string name="dialog_title_connect_panic_app">Bestätige Panik-App</string>
+  <string name="dialog_message_connect_panic_app">Bist du sicher, dass du %1$s erlauben willst, Panik-Button-Ereignisse auszulösen? Dies kann zum Löschen von Daten führen.</string>
   <string name="lock_setting_title">Abmelden</string>
   <string name="lock_setting_summary">Von Briar abmelden, wenn ein Panik-Button aktiviert wird</string>
   <string name="purge_setting_title">Konto löschen</string>
-  <string name="purge_setting_summary">Briar-Konto löschen, wenn der Panik-Button gedrückt wird. Vorsicht: Dies wird alle Identitäten, Kontakte und Nachrichten für immer löschen.</string>
+  <string name="purge_setting_summary">Briar-Konto löschen, wenn der Panik-Button gedrückt wird. Achtung: Es werden alle Identitäten, Kontakte und Nachrichten unwiderruflich gelöscht.</string>
   <string name="uninstall_setting_title">Briar deinstallieren</string>
   <string name="uninstall_setting_summary">Diese Aktion benötigt manuelle Bestätigung im Falle eines Panik-Ereignisses</string>
   <!--Settings Notifications-->
@@ -291,10 +290,10 @@
   <string name="notify_private_messages_setting">Benachrichtigungen für private Nachrichten anzeigen</string>
   <string name="notify_forum_posts_setting">Benachrichtigungen für Forenbeiträge anzeigen</string>
   <string name="notify_blog_posts_setting">Benachrichtigungen für Blog-Beiträge anzeigen</string>
-  <string name="notify_vibration_setting">Vibrieren</string>
+  <string name="notify_vibration_setting">Vibration</string>
   <string name="notify_sound_setting">Tonsignal</string>
   <string name="notify_sound_setting_default">Standardklingelton</string>
-  <string name="notify_sound_setting_disabled">Kein</string>
+  <string name="notify_sound_setting_disabled">Keine</string>
   <string name="choose_ringtone_title">Klingelton auswählen</string>
   <!--Settings Feedback-->
   <string name="feedback_settings_title">Feedback</string>
@@ -302,29 +301,24 @@
   <!--Link Warning-->
   <string name="link_warning_title">Link-Warnung</string>
   <string name="link_warning_intro">Du willst folgenden Link mit einer externen App öffnen.</string>
-  <string name="link_warning_text">Dies kann benutzt werden, dich zu identifizieren. Denke darüber nach, ob du der Person, die dir diesen Link geschickt hat, vertraust und überlege, ihn mit Orfox zu öffnen.</string>
+  <string name="link_warning_text">Dies kann zu Deiner Identifzierung benutzt werden. Überlege, ob die Person die Dir diesen Link geschickt hat, vertrauenswürdig ist und ob Du ihn nicht besser mit Orfox öffnest.</string>
   <string name="link_warning_open_link">Link öffnen</string>
-  <!--Multiple Identities-->
-  <string name="anonymous">Anonym</string>
-  <string name="new_identity_title">Neue Identität</string>
-  <string name="create_identity_button">Identität erstellen</string>
-  <string name="identity_created_toast">Identität wurde erstellt</string>
   <!--Crash Reporter-->
   <string name="crash_report_title">Briar-Absturzbericht</string>
   <string name="briar_crashed">Es tut uns leid, Briar ist abgestürzt.</string>
-  <string name="not_your_fault">Das ist nicht deine Schuld.</string>
-  <string name="please_send_report">Bitte hilf uns, Briar zu verbessern, indem du einen Absturzbericht sendest.</string>
+  <string name="not_your_fault">Das ist nicht Deine Schuld.</string>
+  <string name="please_send_report">Bitte hilf uns, Briar zu verbessern, indem Du einen Absturzbericht sendest.</string>
   <string name="report_is_encrypted">Wir versprechen, dass der Bericht verschlüsselt ist und über eine sichere Verbindung geschickt wird.</string>
   <string name="feedback_title">Feedback</string>
   <string name="describe_crash">Beschreibe was passiert ist (optional)</string>
-  <string name="enter_feedback">Gib dein Feedback ein</string>
+  <string name="enter_feedback">Gib Dein Feedback ein</string>
   <string name="optional_contact_email">Deine E-Mail-Adresse (optional)</string>
   <string name="include_debug_report_crash">Anonymisierte Daten über den Absturz anhängen</string>
   <string name="include_debug_report_feedback">Anonymisierte Daten über dieses Gerät anhängen</string>
   <string name="could_not_load_report_data">Konnte Daten des Berichts nicht laden</string>
   <string name="send_report">Bericht abschicken</string>
   <string name="close">Schließen</string>
-  <string name="dev_report_saved">Der Bericht wurde gespeichert. Er wird verschickt, wenn du dich das nächste Mal bei Briar anmeldest</string>
+  <string name="dev_report_saved">Der Bericht wurde gespeichert. Er wird verschickt, wenn Du Dich das nächste Mal bei Briar anmeldest</string>
   <!--Sign Out-->
-  <string name="progress_title_logout">Von Briar abmelden...</string>
+  <string name="progress_title_logout">Von Briar abmelden ...</string>
diff --git a/briar-android/res/values-es/strings.xml b/briar-android/res/values-es/strings.xml
index 63135b3bf9..6eb9c8e5fd 100644
--- a/briar-android/res/values-es/strings.xml
+++ b/briar-android/res/values-es/strings.xml
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
   <string name="nav_drawer_open_description">Abrir el panel de navegación</string>
   <string name="nav_drawer_close_description">Cierra el panel de navegación</string>
   <string name="contact_list_button">Contactos</string>
+  <string name="groups_button">Grupos privados</string>
   <string name="forums_button">Foros</string>
   <string name="blogs_button">Blogs</string>
   <string name="settings_button">Configuración</string>
@@ -45,6 +46,10 @@
     <item quantity="one">Tienes un nuevo mensaje privado.</item>
     <item quantity="other">Tienes %d nuevos mensajes privados.</item>
+  <plurals name="group_message_notification_text">
+    <item quantity="one"> h</item>
+    <item quantity="other">%d mensajes de grupo nuevos.</item>
+  </plurals>
   <plurals name="forum_post_notification_text">
     <item quantity="one">Hay una nueva publicación en el foro.</item>
     <item quantity="other">Hay %d nuevas publicaciones en el foro.</item>
@@ -62,15 +67,19 @@
   <string name="delete">Borrar</string>
   <string name="accept">Aceptar</string>
   <string name="decline">Rechazar</string>
+  <string name="options">Configuración</string>
   <string name="online">En línea</string>
   <string name="offline">Desconectado</string>
   <string name="send">Enviar</string>
   <string name="no_data">Sin datos</string>
   <string name="ellipsis">…</string>
+  <string name="text_too_long">El texto es demasiado largo</string>
+  <string name="show_onboarding">Mostrar diálogo de ayuda</string>
   <!--Contacts and Private Conversations-->
   <string name="no_contacts">Parece que eres nuevo por aquí y no tienes aún contactos.\n\nPulsa el icono + en la parte superior y sigue las instrucciones para añadir amigos a tu lista.\n\nPor favor, recuerda: sólo puedes añadir nuevos contactos cara a cara para evitar que nadie suplante tu identidad o lea tus mensajes en el futuro. </string>
   <string name="date_no_private_messages">Sin mensajes.</string>
   <string name="no_private_messages">Esta es la vista de conversación.\n\nParece que aún no hay tal.\n\nPulsa el campo de texto en la parte inferior para empezar la conversación.</string>
+  <string name="message_hint">Escribe un mensaje</string>
   <string name="delete_contact">Eliminar contacto</string>
   <string name="dialog_title_delete_contact">Confirmar eliminación de contacto</string>
   <string name="dialog_message_delete_contact">¿Seguro que quieres eliminar este contacto y todos los mensajes intercambiados entre vosotros?</string>
@@ -78,7 +87,7 @@
   <!--Adding Contacts-->
   <string name="add_contact_title">Añadir un contacto</string>
   <string name="your_nickname">Elige la identidad que quieres usar:</string>
-  <string name="face_to_face">Debes estar cara a cara con la persona que quieres añadir como contacto. De esta manera se evita que nadie suplante tu identidad o lea tus mensajes en el futuro.</string>
+  <string name="face_to_face">Debes reunirte con la persona a la que quieras añadir como contacto.\n\nHaciéndolo así prevendrás que nadie te suplante o pueda leer tus mensajes en el futuro.</string>
   <string name="continue_button">Continuar</string>
   <string name="your_invitation_code">Tu código de invitación es</string>
   <string name="enter_invitation_code">Por favor, introduce el código de invitación de tu contacto:</string>
@@ -92,6 +101,7 @@
   <string name="your_confirmation_code">Tu código de confirmación es</string>
   <string name="enter_confirmation_code">Por favor, introduce el código de confirmación de tu contacto:</string>
   <string name="waiting_for_contact">Esperando al contacto\u2026</string>
+  <string name="waiting_for_contact_to_scan">Esperando a que el contacto escanee y conecte contigo\u2026</string>
   <string name="exchanging_contact_details">Intercambiando información de contacto\u2026</string>
   <string name="codes_do_not_match">Los códigos no concuerdan</string>
   <string name="interfering">Esto podría significar que alguien está intentando interceptar la conexión</string>
@@ -104,6 +114,8 @@
   <string name="connection_aborted_local">¡Hemos interumpido la conexión! Esto podría significar que alguien está intentando interceptar la conexión</string>
   <string name="connection_aborted_remote">¡La conexión ha sido interrumpida por tu contacto! Esto podría significar que alguien está intentando interceptar la conexión</string>
+  <string name="introduction_onboarding_title">Presenta a tus contactos</string>
+  <string name="introduction_onboarding_text">Presenta a tus contactos entre sí para ahorrarles encontrarse en persona para poder conectar mediante Briar.</string>
   <string name="introduction_activity_title">Seleccionar contacto</string>
   <string name="introduction_message_title">Presentar a dos contactos</string>
   <string name="introduction_message_text">Puedes redactar un mensaje que se enviará a %1$s y a %2$s junto con tu presentación:</string>
@@ -112,13 +124,10 @@
   <string name="introduction_sent">Tu presentación se ha mandado.</string>
   <string name="introduction_error">Ocurrió un error realizando la presentación.</string>
   <string name="introduction_response_error">Error al responder a la presentación</string>
-  <string name="introduction_warn_different_identities_title">Advertencia: identidades diferentes</string>
-  <string name="introduction_warn_different_identities_text">Estás intentando presentar a dos contactos que añadiste con identidades distintas. Esto quizá pueda revelar que esas dos identidades te pertenecen.</string>
   <string name="dialog_button_introduce">Presentar</string>
   <string name="introduction_request_sent">Has pedido presentar a %1$s a %2$s.</string>
   <string name="introduction_request_received">%1$s ha pedido presentarte a %2$s. ¿Quieres añadir a %2$s a tu lista de contactos?</string>
   <string name="introduction_request_exists_received">%1$s ha pedido presentarte a %2$s, pero %2$s ya está en tu lista de contactos. %1$s puede no saberlo, así que puedes responderle de todas maneras:</string>
-  <string name="introduction_request_for_our_identity_received">%1$s ha pedido presentarte a %2$s, pero %2$s es una de tus otras identidades, así que no puedes aceptar la presentación:</string>
   <string name="introduction_request_answered_received">%1$s ha pedido presentarte a %2$s.</string>
   <string name="introduction_response_accepted_sent">Has aceptado la presentación a %1$s.</string>
   <string name="introduction_response_declined_sent">Has rechazado la presentación a %1$s.</string>
@@ -130,6 +139,60 @@
     <item quantity="other">%d nuevos contactos añadido</item>
   <!--Private Groups-->
+  <string name="groups_list_empty">Aún no participas en ningún grupo.\n\nCrea un grupo pulsando en el icono + arriba o pide a tus contactos que te inviten a uno de sus grupos.</string>
+  <string name="groups_created_by">Creado por %s</string>
+  <plurals name="messages">
+    <item quantity="one">%d mensaje</item>
+    <item quantity="other">%d mensajes</item>
+  </plurals>
+  <string name="groups_group_is_empty">Este grupo está vacío</string>
+  <string name="groups_group_is_dissolved">Este grupo ha sido disuelto</string>
+  <string name="groups_remove">Eliminar</string>
+  <string name="groups_create_group_title">Crear grupo privado</string>
+  <string name="groups_no_messages">Este grupo está vacío.\n\nPuedes usar el icono del lápiz arriba para escribir el primer mensaje.</string>
+  <string name="groups_create_group_button">Crear grupo</string>
+  <string name="groups_create_group_invitation_button">Enviar invitación</string>
+  <string name="groups_create_group_hint">Dar nombre al grupo privado</string>
+  <string name="groups_invitation_sent">Se ha mandado la invitación de grupo</string>
+  <string name="groups_compose_message">Escribir mensaje</string>
+  <string name="groups_message_sent">Mensaje enviado</string>
+  <string name="groups_message_received">Mensaje recibido</string>
+  <string name="groups_member_list">Integrantes</string>
+  <string name="groups_invite_members">Invitar miembros</string>
+  <string name="groups_member_created_you">Tú creaste el grupo</string>
+  <string name="groups_member_created">%s creó el grupo</string>
+  <string name="groups_member_joined_you">Te uniste al grupo</string>
+  <string name="groups_member_joined">%s se unió al grupo</string>
+  <string name="groups_leave">Abandonar grupo</string>
+  <string name="groups_leave_dialog_title">Confirmación de la salida del grupo</string>
+  <string name="groups_leave_dialog_message">¿Estás seguro de querer salir de este grupo?</string>
+  <string name="groups_dissolve">Disolver grupo</string>
+  <string name="groups_dissolve_dialog_title">Confirmación de la disolución del grupo</string>
+  <string name="groups_dissolve_dialog_message">¿Estás seguro de querer disolver el grupo?\n\nLos demás miembros no podrán continuar la conversación y puede que nunca reciban los últimos mensajes.</string>
+  <string name="groups_dissolve_button">Disolver</string>
+  <string name="groups_dissolved_dialog_title">El grupo ha sido disuelto</string>
+  <string name="groups_dissolved_dialog_message">El creador de este grupo lo ha disuelto.\n\nYa no puede escribir mensajes al grupo y puede que no reciba todas las publicaciones que se hayan escrito.</string>
+  <!--Private Group Invitations-->
+  <string name="groups_invitations_title">Invitaciones de grupo</string>
+  <string name="groups_invitations_invitation_sent">Has sido invitado %1$s a ingresar en el grupo \"%2$s\".</string>
+  <string name="groups_invitations_invitation_received">%1$s te ha invitado a unirte al grupo «%2$s».</string>
+  <string name="groups_invitations_joined">Te uniste al grupo</string>
+  <string name="groups_invitations_declined">Invitación de grupo declinada</string>
+  <plurals name="groups_invitations_open">
+    <item quantity="one">%d invitación de grupo sin responder</item>
+    <item quantity="other">%d invitaciones de grupo sin responder</item>
+  </plurals>
+  <string name="groups_invitations_response_accepted_sent">Aceptaste la invitación de grupo de %s.</string>
+  <string name="groups_invitations_response_declined_sent">Declinaste la invitación de grupo de %s.</string>
+  <string name="groups_invitations_response_accepted_received">%s ha aceptado la invitación al grupo.</string>
+  <string name="groups_invitations_response_declined_received">%s ha declinado la invitación al grupo.</string>
+  <!--Private Groups Revealing Contacts-->
+  <string name="groups_reveal_contacts">Desvelar contactos</string>
+  <string name="groups_reveal_dialog_message">Puedes elegir si desvelar los contactos a los actuales y futuros integrantes de este grupo.\n\nDesvelar los contactos mejora la velocidad y la fiabilidad de tu conexión, porque puedes comunicarte con los contactos desvelados incluso cuando el creador del grupo no se encuentra conectado.</string>
+  <string name="groups_reveal_visible">Las relaciones entre los contactos son visibles al grupo</string>
+  <string name="groups_reveal_visible_revealed_by_us">Las relaciones entre los contactos son visibles al grupo (las desvelaste tú)</string>
+  <string name="groups_reveal_visible_revealed_by_contact">Las relaciones entre los contactos son visibles al grupo (las desveló %s)</string>
+  <string name="groups_reveal_invisible">Las relaciones entre los contactos no son visibles al grupo</string>
   <string name="no_forums">No tienes ningún foro aún.\n\n¿Por qué no creas uno pulsando el icono + de la parte superior?\n\nTambién puedes pedirle a tus contactos que compartan foros contigo.</string>
   <string name="create_forum_title">Nuevo foro</string>
@@ -147,7 +210,7 @@
   <string name="forum_new_entry_received">Nueva entrada en el foro</string>
   <string name="forum_new_message_hint">Nueva entrada</string>
   <string name="forum_message_reply_hint">Nueva respuesta</string>
-  <string name="btn_reply">RESPONDER</string>
+  <string name="btn_reply">Responder</string>
   <plurals name="message_replies">
     <item quantity="one">%1$d respuesta</item>
     <item quantity="other">%1$d respuestas</item>
@@ -159,7 +222,7 @@
   <string name="forum_left_toast">Foro abandonado</string>
   <!--Forum Sharing-->
   <string name="forum_share_button">Compartir foro</string>
-  <string name="contacts_selected">Compartir este foro con los contactos seleccionados</string>
+  <string name="contacts_selected">Contactos seleccionados</string>
   <string name="activity_share_toolbar_header">Elige contactos</string>
   <string name="no_contacts_selector">Parece que eres nuevo aquí y no tienes contactos aún.\n\nPor favor, vuelve cuando hayas añadido tu primer contacto.</string>
   <string name="forum_shared_snackbar">Foro compartido con los contactos seleccionados</string>
@@ -167,7 +230,6 @@
   <string name="forum_share_error">Hubo un error compartiendo este foro.</string>
   <string name="forum_invitation_received">%1$s ha compartido el foro \"%2$s\" contigo.</string>
   <string name="forum_invitation_sent">Has compartido el foro \"%1$s\" con %2$s.</string>
-  <string name="forum_show_invitations">Mostrar invitaciones a foros</string>
   <string name="forum_invitations_title">Invitaciones a foros</string>
   <string name="forum_invitation_exists">Ya aceptaste la invitación a este foro. Aceptar más invitaciones aumentará y fortalecerá la comunicación con el foro.</string>
   <string name="forum_joined_toast">Te uniste al foro</string>
@@ -187,25 +249,14 @@
   <string name="forum_shared_with">Compartido con</string>
   <string name="nobody">Nadie</string>
-  <string name="blogs_my_blogs_create">Crear blog</string>
-  <string name="blogs_my_blogs_label">Añadir nuevo blog</string>
-  <string name="blogs_my_blogs_create_hint_title">Título del blog (no se podrá cambiar más tarde)</string>
-  <string name="blogs_my_blogs_create_hint_desc">Pequeña descripción de tu nuevo blog</string>
-  <string name="blogs_my_blogs_create_hint_desc_explanation">Los lectores en potencia podrán o no suscribirse a tu blog en función de la descripción</string>
-  <string name="blogs_my_blogs_created">Blog creado</string>
-  <string name="blogs_blog_is_empty">Este blog está vacío</string>
   <string name="blogs_other_blog_empty_state">Este blog está vacío.\n\nO el autor no ha escrito aún, o la persona que compartió este blog contigo necesita conectarse para que se puedan sincronizar los artículos.</string>
-  <string name="tag_new">NUEVO</string>
   <string name="read_more">leer más</string>
   <string name="blogs_write_blog_post">Escribir artículo del blog</string>
-  <string name="blogs_write_blog_post_title_hint">Añade un título (opcional)</string>
   <string name="blogs_write_blog_post_body_hint">Escribe tu artículo aquí</string>
   <string name="blogs_publish_blog_post">Publicar</string>
   <string name="blogs_blog_post_created">Creado artículo del blog</string>
   <string name="blogs_blog_post_received">Recibido nuevo artículo del blog</string>
   <string name="blogs_blog_post_scroll_to">Desplazarse hasta</string>
-  <string name="blogs_blog_failed_to_load">Fallo al cargar el blog</string>
-  <string name="blogs_blog_post_failed_to_load">Fallo al cargar el artículo del blog</string>
   <string name="blogs_feed_empty_state">Esta es la lista global de entradas de blog.\n\nParece que nadie ha publicado nada todavía.\n\nSé el primero: pulsa el icono del lápiz para escribir una nueva entrada de blog.</string>
   <string name="blogs_personal_blog">Blog personal de %s</string>
   <string name="blogs_remove_blog">Eliminar blog</string>
@@ -214,8 +265,6 @@
   <string name="blogs_blog_removed">Blog eliminado</string>
   <string name="blogs_reblog_comment_hint">Añade un comentario opcional</string>
   <string name="blogs_reblog_button">Rebloguear</string>
-  <string name="blogs_blog_list">Lista de blogs</string>
-  <string name="blogs_available_blogs">Blogs disponibles</string>
   <!--Blog Sharing-->
   <string name="blogs_sharing_share">Compartir blog</string>
   <string name="blogs_sharing_error">Hubo un error compartiendo este blog.</string>
@@ -227,7 +276,6 @@
   <string name="blogs_sharing_response_declined_received">%s rechazó la invitación al blog.</string>
   <string name="blogs_sharing_invitation_received">%1$s ha compartido el blog personal de %2$s contigo.</string>
   <string name="blogs_sharing_invitation_sent">Has compartido el blog personal de %1$s con %2$s.</string>
-  <string name="blogs_sharing_show_invitations">Mostrar invitaciones a blogs</string>
   <string name="blogs_sharing_invitations_title">Invitaciones a blogs</string>
   <string name="blogs_sharing_exists">Ya estás suscrito a este blog. Aceptar la invitación de nuevo conllevará una mejora de la velocidad en la recepción de los artículos.</string>
   <string name="blogs_sharing_joined_toast">Suscrito al blog</string>
@@ -277,6 +325,7 @@
   <!--Settings Notifications-->
   <string name="notification_settings_title">Notificaciones</string>
   <string name="notify_private_messages_setting">Mostrar alertar para mensajes privados</string>
+  <string name="notify_group_messages_setting">Mostrar alertas para mensajes de grupo</string>
   <string name="notify_forum_posts_setting">Mostrar alertas para publicaciones de foros</string>
   <string name="notify_blog_posts_setting">Mostrar alertas para artículos de blogs</string>
   <string name="notify_vibration_setting">Vibrar</string>
@@ -292,11 +341,6 @@
   <string name="link_warning_intro">Estás a punto de abrir el siguiente enlace con otra aplicación</string>
   <string name="link_warning_text">Eso puede usarse para identificarte. Piensa si confías en la persona que te envió el enlace y considera la opción de abrirlo con Orfox.</string>
   <string name="link_warning_open_link">Abrir enlace</string>
-  <!--Multiple Identities-->
-  <string name="anonymous">Anónimo</string>
-  <string name="new_identity_title">Nueva identidad</string>
-  <string name="create_identity_button">Crear identidad</string>
-  <string name="identity_created_toast">Identidad creada</string>
   <!--Crash Reporter-->
   <string name="crash_report_title">Informe de error de Briar</string>
   <string name="briar_crashed">Lo sentimos, Briar ha fallado.</string>
diff --git a/briar-android/res/values-fr/strings.xml b/briar-android/res/values-fr/strings.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e834cbb1cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/briar-android/res/values-fr/strings.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+  <!--Setup-->
+  <string name="setup_title">Configuration de Briar</string>
+  <string name="setup_explanation">Votre compte Briar est enregistré chiffré sur votre appareil et non sur le \"cloud\". Si vous désinstallez Briar ou si vous oubliez votre mot de passe, votre compte et vos données sont irrécupérables.</string>
+  <string name="choose_nickname">Choisissez votre surnom</string>
+  <string name="choose_password">Choisissez votre mot de passe</string>
+  <string name="confirm_password">Confirmez votre mot de passe</string>
+  <string name="name_too_long">Le nom est trop long</string>
+  <string name="password_too_weak">Le mot de passe est trop faible</string>
+  <string name="passwords_do_not_match">Les mots de passes ne correspondent pas</string>
+  <string name="create_account_button">Créer un compte</string>
+  <string name="progress_title_please_wait">Veuillez patienter ...</string>
+  <!--Login-->
+  <string name="enter_password">Tapez votre mot de passe :</string>
+  <string name="try_again">Mot de passe incorrecte, essayer à nouveau</string>
+  <string name="sign_in_button">Se connecter</string>
+  <string name="forgotten_password">J\'ai oublié mon mot de passe</string>
+  <string name="dialog_title_lost_password">Mot de passe oublié</string>
+  <string name="dialog_message_lost_password">Votre compte Briar est enregistré chiffrée sur votre appareil et non sur le \"cloud\", par conséquent, votre mot de passe ne peut être réinitialisé. Voulez-vous supprimer votre compte et démarrer à nouveau ?\n\nAttention : vos identités, contacts et messages seront définitivement perdus.</string>
+  <string name="startup_failed_notification_title">Briar n\'a pas pu démarrer</string>
+  <string name="startup_failed_notification_text">Vous devrez peut-être réinstaller Briar.</string>
+  <string name="startup_failed_activity_title">Echec de démarrage de Briar.</string>
+  <string name="startup_failed_db_error">Pour une raison indéterminée, votre base de donnée Briar est corrompue et irrécupérable. Vos comptes, données et contacts sont perdus. Vous devez malheureusement réinstaller Briar et configurer un nouveau compte.</string>
+  <string name="startup_failed_service_error">Briar n\'a pas pu démarrer un module nécessaire. Réinstaller Briar résout généralement ce problème. Veuillez noter que vous perdrez votre compte et toutes les données associées puisque Briar n\'utilise pas de serveurs centralisés pour enregistrer les données.</string>
+  <string name="expiry_warning">Ce logiciel est arrivé à expiration.\n Veuillez installer une version plus récente.</string>
+  <string name="dialog_title_welcome">Bienvenue sur Briar</string>
+  <string name="dialog_welcome_message">Ajouter un contact pour communiquer de manière sécurisée ou toucher l\'icône en haut à gauche pour plus d\'options.</string>
+  <!--Navigation Drawer-->
+  <string name="nav_drawer_open_description">Ouvrir le panneau de navigation</string>
+  <string name="nav_drawer_close_description">Fermer le panneau de navigation</string>
+  <string name="contact_list_button">Contacts</string>
+  <string name="groups_button">Groupes privés</string>
+  <string name="forums_button">Forums</string>
+  <string name="blogs_button">Blogs</string>
+  <string name="settings_button">Paramètres</string>
+  <string name="sign_out_button">Se déconnecter</string>
+  <!--Transports-->
+  <string name="transport_tor">Internet</string>
+  <string name="transport_bt">Bluetooth</string>
+  <string name="transport_lan">Wifi</string>
+  <!--Notifications-->
+  <string name="ongoing_notification_title">Connecté à Briar</string>
+  <string name="ongoing_notification_text">Toucher pour ouvrir Briar.</string>
+  <plurals name="private_message_notification_text">
+    <item quantity="one">Nouveau message privé.</item>
+    <item quantity="other">%d Nouveaux messages privés.</item>
+  </plurals>
+  <plurals name="group_message_notification_text">
+    <item quantity="one">Nouveau message de groupe.</item>
+    <item quantity="other">%d nouveaux messages de groupe.</item>
+  </plurals>
+  <plurals name="forum_post_notification_text">
+    <item quantity="one">Nouveau post de forum.</item>
+    <item quantity="other">%d nouveaux posts de forum.</item>
+  </plurals>
+  <plurals name="blog_post_notification_text">
+    <item quantity="one">Nouveau post de blog.</item>
+    <item quantity="other">%d Nouveaux posts de blog.</item>
+  </plurals>
+  <!--Misc-->
+  <string name="now">Maintenant</string>
+  <string name="show">Afficher</string>
+  <string name="hide">Cacher</string>
+  <string name="ok">OK</string>
+  <string name="cancel">Annuler</string>
+  <string name="delete">Supprimer</string>
+  <string name="accept">Accepter</string>
+  <string name="decline">Refuser</string>
+  <string name="options">Options</string>
+  <string name="online">En ligne</string>
+  <string name="offline">Hors ligne</string>
+  <string name="send">Envoyer</string>
+  <string name="no_data">Aucune donée</string>
+  <string name="ellipsis">...</string>
+  <string name="text_too_long">Le texte saisi est trop long</string>
+  <string name="show_onboarding">Afficher la boite de dialogue d\'Aide</string>
+  <!--Contacts and Private Conversations-->
+  <string name="no_contacts">Vous semblez être nouveau ici et n\'avez aucun contact.\n\nTouchez l\'icône + en haut et suivez les instructions pour ajouter des contacts.\n\nRappel : vous pouvez ajouter des contacts uniquement en les rencontrant face à face, ceci pour éviter le vol d\'identité et que vos messages ne soient lus par d\'autres.</string>
+  <string name="date_no_private_messages">Aucun message.</string>
+  <string name="no_private_messages">Ceci est la vue de conversation.\n\nIl semble y avoir un manque de conversation.\n\nAppuyez sur le champ de saisie en bas pour en démarrer une. </string>
+  <string name="message_hint">Taper le message</string>
+  <string name="delete_contact">Supprimer le contact</string>
+  <string name="dialog_title_delete_contact">Confirmer la suppression du contact</string>
+  <string name="dialog_message_delete_contact">Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer ce contact et tous les messages échangés avec celui-ci ?</string>
+  <string name="contact_deleted_toast">Contact supprimé</string>
+  <!--Adding Contacts-->
+  <string name="add_contact_title">Ajouter un contact</string>
+  <string name="your_nickname">Choisissez l\'identité que vous souhaitez utiliser :</string>
+  <string name="face_to_face">Vous devez rencontrer la personne que vous voulez ajouter comme contact.\n\nCeci pour éviter le vol d\'identité et que vos messages ne soient lus par d\'autres.</string>
+  <string name="continue_button">Continuer</string>
+  <string name="your_invitation_code">Votre code d\'invitation est </string>
+  <string name="enter_invitation_code">Veuillez saisir le code d\'invitation de votre contact :</string>
+  <string name="searching_format">Recherche de contacts avec le code d\'invitation %06d\u2026</string>
+  <string name="connection_failed">Échec de connexion</string>
+  <string name="could_not_find_contact">Briar n\'a pas trouvé de contacts à proximité</string>
+  <string name="could_not_open_camera">Appareil photo inaccessible. Essayez à nouveau !</string>
+  <string name="try_again_button">Essayer à nouveau</string>
+  <string name="connected_to_contact">Connecté au contact</string>
+  <string name="calculating_confirmation_code">Calcul du code de confirmation\u2026</string>
+  <string name="your_confirmation_code">Votre code d\'invitation est </string>
+  <string name="enter_confirmation_code">Veuillez saisir le code de confirmation de votre contact :</string>
+  <string name="waiting_for_contact">Attente du contact\u2026</string>
+  <string name="waiting_for_contact_to_scan">En attente de scan et de la connexion du contact\u2026</string>
+  <string name="exchanging_contact_details">Échange des détails du contact\u2026</string>
+  <string name="codes_do_not_match">Les codes ne correspondent pas</string>
+  <string name="interfering">Il se pourrait que quelqu\'un essaye d\'interférer avec votre connexion</string>
+  <string name="contact_added_toast">Contact ajouté : %s</string>
+  <string name="contact_already_exists">Le contact %s existe déjà</string>
+  <string name="contact_exchange_failed">L\'échange de contact a échoué</string>
+  <string name="qr_code_invalid">Le code QR n\'est pas valide</string>
+  <string name="connecting_to_device">Connexion à l\'appareil\u2026</string>
+  <string name="authenticating_with_device">Autentification avec l\'appareil\u2026</string>
+  <string name="connection_aborted_local">Nous avons interrompu la conversation ! Il est possible que quelqu\'un tente d\'interférer avec votre connexion</string>
+  <string name="connection_aborted_remote">Votre contact a interrompu la conversation ! Il est possible que quelqu\'un tente d\'interférer avec votre connexion</string>
+  <!--Introductions-->
+  <string name="introduction_onboarding_title">Introduire vos contacts</string>
+  <string name="introduction_onboarding_text">Vous pouvez introduire vos contacts les uns les autres, ils n\'ont donc pas besoin de se rencontrer pour se connecter avec Briar.</string>
+  <string name="introduction_activity_title">Sélectionner contact </string>
+  <string name="introduction_message_title">Introduire des contacts</string>
+  <string name="introduction_message_text">Vous pouvez composer un message qui sera envoyé à %1$s et %2$s avec votre introduction :</string>
+  <string name="introduction_message_hint">Taper le message (optionnel) </string>
+  <string name="introduction_button">Effectuer l\'introduction</string>
+  <string name="introduction_sent">Votre admission a été envoyée.</string>
+  <string name="introduction_error">Une erreur s\'est produite lors de l\'admission.</string>
+  <string name="introduction_response_error">Erreur lors de la réponse à l\'admission</string>
+  <string name="dialog_button_introduce">Introduire</string>
+  <string name="introduction_request_sent">Vous avez demandé à %2$s d\'admettre %1$s.</string>
+  <string name="introduction_request_received">%1$s vous a demandé l\'admission de %2$s. Souhaitez-vous ajouter %2$s à votre liste de contacts ?</string>
+  <string name="introduction_request_exists_received">%1$s vous a demandé l\'admission de %2$s mais %2$s est déjà dans votre liste de contacts. Puisque %1$s ne le sait pas, vous pouvez tout de même répondre : </string>
+  <string name="introduction_request_answered_received">%1$s a demandé l\'admission de %2$s.</string>
+  <string name="introduction_response_accepted_sent">Vous avez accepté l\'admission de %1$s.</string>
+  <string name="introduction_response_declined_sent">Vous avez refusé l\'admission de %1$s.</string>
+  <string name="introduction_response_accepted_received">%1$s a accepté l\'admission de %2$s.</string>
+  <string name="introduction_response_declined_received">%1$s a refusé l\'admission de %2$s.</string>
+  <string name="introduction_response_declined_received_by_introducee">%1$s annonce que %2$s a refusé l\'admission.</string>
+  <plurals name="introduction_notification_text">
+    <item quantity="one">Nouveau contact ajouté.</item>
+    <item quantity="other">%d nouveaux contacts ajoutés.</item>
+  </plurals>
+  <!--Private Groups-->
+  <string name="groups_list_empty">Vous n\'êtes membres d\'aucun groupe.\n\nTouchez l\'icône + en haut pour en créer un ou demandez à vos contacts de vous inviter à l\'un de leurs groupes.</string>
+  <string name="groups_created_by">Créé par %s</string>
+  <plurals name="messages">
+    <item quantity="one">%d message</item>
+    <item quantity="other">%d messages</item>
+  </plurals>
+  <string name="groups_group_is_empty">Ce groupe est vide</string>
+  <string name="groups_group_is_dissolved">Ce groupe a été supprimé</string>
+  <string name="groups_remove">Supprimer</string>
+  <string name="groups_create_group_title">Créer un groupe privé</string>
+  <string name="groups_no_messages">Ce groupe est vide. \n\nUtilisez l\'icône crayon, en haut, pour composer le premier message.</string>
+  <string name="groups_create_group_button">Créer un groupe</string>
+  <string name="groups_create_group_invitation_button">Envoyer invitation</string>
+  <string name="groups_create_group_hint">Ajouter un nom au groupe privé</string>
+  <string name="groups_invitation_sent">Invitation envoyée au groupe</string>
+  <string name="groups_compose_message">Composer message</string>
+  <string name="groups_message_sent">Message envoyé</string>
+  <string name="groups_message_received">Message reçu</string>
+  <string name="groups_member_list">Liste de participants</string>
+  <string name="groups_invite_members">Inviter des participants</string>
+  <string name="groups_member_created_you">Vous avez créé le groupe</string>
+  <string name="groups_member_created">%s a créé le groupe</string>
+  <string name="groups_member_joined_you">Vous avez rejoint le groupe</string>
+  <string name="groups_member_joined">%s a rejoint le groupe</string>
+  <string name="groups_leave">Quitter le groupe</string>
+  <string name="groups_leave_dialog_title">Confirmer la sortie du groupe</string>
+  <string name="groups_leave_dialog_message">Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir quitter ce groupe ?</string>
+  <string name="groups_dissolve">Supprimer le groupe</string>
+  <string name="groups_dissolve_dialog_title">Confirmer la suppression du groupe</string>
+  <string name="groups_dissolve_dialog_message">Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer ce groupe ?\n\nLes autres participants ne pourront plus continuer leur conversation et pourraient ne pas recevoir les derniers messages.</string>
+  <string name="groups_dissolve_button">Supprimer</string>
+  <string name="groups_dissolved_dialog_title">Le Groupe A Été Supprimé</string>
+  <string name="groups_dissolved_dialog_message">L\'initiateur de ce groupe l\'a supprimé.\n\nVous ne pouvez plus y écrire de messages et il se peut que vous n\'ayez pas reçu tout ceux qui y ont été publiés.</string>
+  <!--Private Group Invitations-->
+  <string name="groups_invitations_title">Invitations du groupe</string>
+  <string name="groups_invitations_invitation_sent">Vous avez invité %1$s a rejoindre le groupe \"%2$s\".</string>
+  <string name="groups_invitations_invitation_received">%1$s vous a invité a rejoindre le groupe \"%2$s\".</string>
+  <string name="groups_invitations_joined">Groupe rejoint</string>
+  <string name="groups_invitations_declined">Invitation du groupe déclinée</string>
+  <plurals name="groups_invitations_open">
+    <item quantity="one">%d invitation de groupe en attente</item>
+    <item quantity="other">%d invitations de groupe en attente</item>
+  </plurals>
+  <string name="groups_invitations_response_accepted_sent">Vous avez accepté l\'invitation du groupe de %s.</string>
+  <string name="groups_invitations_response_declined_sent">Vous avez refusé l\'invitation du groupe de %s.</string>
+  <string name="groups_invitations_response_accepted_received">%s a accepté l\'invitation du groupe.</string>
+  <string name="groups_invitations_response_declined_received">%s a décliné l\'invitation du groupe.</string>
+  <!--Private Groups Revealing Contacts-->
+  <string name="groups_reveal_contacts">Dévoiler les contacts</string>
+  <string name="groups_reveal_dialog_message">Vous pouvez choisir de dévoiler les contacts à tous les membres actuels et futurs de ce groupe.\n\nDévoiler les contacts vous assure une connexion au groupe plus rapide et plus fiable car vous pouvez communiquer avec les contacts dévoilés même si l\'initiateur du groupe est hors ligne.</string>
+  <string name="groups_reveal_visible">Votre lien avec le contact est visible par le groupe</string>
+  <string name="groups_reveal_visible_revealed_by_us">Votre lien avec le contact est visible par le groupe (dévoilé par vous-même)</string>
+  <string name="groups_reveal_visible_revealed_by_contact">Votre lien avec le contact est invisible par le groupe (dévoilé par %s)</string>
+  <string name="groups_reveal_invisible">Votre lien avec le contact est invisible par le groupe</string>
+  <!--Forums-->
+  <string name="no_forums">Vous n\'avez pas de forums.\n\nPourquoi ne pas en créer un en touchant l\'icône + en haut ?\n\nVous pouvez aussi demander à vos contacts d\'en partager avec vous.</string>
+  <string name="create_forum_title">Nouveau forum</string>
+  <string name="choose_forum_name">Choisissez un nom pour votre forum :</string>
+  <string name="create_forum_button">Créer un forum</string>
+  <string name="forum_created_toast">Forum créé</string>
+  <string name="no_forum_posts">Ce forum est vide.\n\nUtilisez l\'icône crayon, en haut pour écrire le premier post.\n\nVous sentez-vous seul, ici? Partager ce forum avec d\'autres contacts !</string>
+  <string name="no_posts">Aucun post</string>
+  <plurals name="posts">
+    <item quantity="one">%d message</item>
+    <item quantity="other">%d messages</item>
+  </plurals>
+  <string name="forum_compose_post">Nouveau post de forum</string>
+  <string name="forum_new_entry_posted">Entrée de forum postée</string>
+  <string name="forum_new_entry_received">Nouvelle entrée de forum</string>
+  <string name="forum_new_message_hint">Nouvelle entrée</string>
+  <string name="forum_message_reply_hint">Nouvelle réponse</string>
+  <string name="btn_reply">Répondre</string>
+  <plurals name="message_replies">
+    <item quantity="one">%1$d réponse</item>
+    <item quantity="other">%1$d réponses</item>
+  </plurals>
+  <string name="forum_leave">Quitter le forum</string>
+  <string name="dialog_title_leave_forum">Confirmer la sortie du forum</string>
+  <string name="dialog_message_leave_forum">Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir quitter ce forum ? Les contacts avec qui vous l\'avez partagé pourraient ne plus recevoir ses mises à jour.</string>
+  <string name="dialog_button_leave">Quitter</string>
+  <string name="forum_left_toast">Quitté le forum</string>
+  <!--Forum Sharing-->
+  <string name="forum_share_button">Partagé le forum</string>
+  <string name="contacts_selected">Contacts sélectionnés</string>
+  <string name="activity_share_toolbar_header">Choisissez des contacts</string>
+  <string name="no_contacts_selector">Vous semblez être nouveau ici et n\'avez pas encore de contacts.\n\nRevenez lorsque vous aurez ajouté votre premier contact.</string>
+  <string name="forum_shared_snackbar">Forum partagé avec les contacts choisis</string>
+  <string name="forum_share_message">Vous pouvez composer un message d\'invitation optionnel qui sera envoyé aux contacts choisis.</string>
+  <string name="forum_share_error">Une erreur s\'est produite lors du partage du forum.</string>
+  <string name="forum_invitation_received">%1$s a partagé le forum \"%2$s\" avec vous.</string>
+  <string name="forum_invitation_sent">Vous avez partagé le forum \"%1$s\" avec %2$s.</string>
+  <string name="forum_invitations_title">Invitations au forum</string>
+  <string name="forum_invitation_exists">Vous avez déjà accepté une invitation à ce forum. En acceptant d\'autre invitations, vous augmentez et renforcez la communication de ce forum.</string>
+  <string name="forum_joined_toast">Forum rejoint</string>
+  <string name="forum_declined_toast">Invitation au forum refusée</string>
+  <string name="shared_by_format">Partagé par %s</string>
+  <string name="forum_invitation_already_sharing">Déjà en cours de partage</string>
+  <string name="forum_invitation_response_accepted_sent">Vous avez accepté l\'invitation au forum de %s.</string>
+  <string name="forum_invitation_response_declined_sent">Vous avez refusé l\'invitation au forum de %s.</string>
+  <string name="forum_invitation_response_accepted_received">%s a accepté l\'invitation au forum.</string>
+  <string name="forum_invitation_response_declined_received">%s a décliné l\'invitation au forum.</string>
+  <string name="sharing_status">Etat de partage</string>
+  <plurals name="forums_shared">
+    <item quantity="one">%d forum partagé par des contacts</item>
+    <item quantity="other">%d forums partagés par des contacts</item>
+  </plurals>
+  <string name="forum_shared_by">Partagé par</string>
+  <string name="forum_shared_with">Partagé avec</string>
+  <string name="nobody">Personne</string>
+  <!--Blogs-->
+  <string name="blogs_other_blog_empty_state">Ce blog est actuellement vide.\n\nSoit l\'auteur n\'a encore rien écrit, soit la personne qui l\'a partagé avec vous doit venir en ligne pour que les posts soient synchronisés.</string>
+  <string name="read_more">Lire la suite</string>
+  <string name="blogs_write_blog_post">Écrire un post de blog</string>
+  <string name="blogs_write_blog_post_body_hint">Saisir ici votre post de blog</string>
+  <string name="blogs_publish_blog_post">Publier</string>
+  <string name="blogs_blog_post_created">Post de blog créé</string>
+  <string name="blogs_blog_post_received">Nouveau post de blog reçu</string>
+  <string name="blogs_blog_post_scroll_to">Défiler jusqu\'à</string>
+  <string name="blogs_feed_empty_state">Ceci est le flux global des blogs.\n\nIl semble que personne n\'ait encore rien écrit.\n\nSoyez le premier et touchez l\'icône stylet pour écrire un post de blog.</string>
+  <string name="blogs_personal_blog">Blog personnel de %s</string>
+  <string name="blogs_remove_blog">Supprimer le blog</string>
+  <string name="blogs_remove_blog_dialog_message">Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer ce blog et tous ses posts ?\nNotez que ceci ne supprimera pas le blog sur les appareils des autres personnes.</string>
+  <string name="blogs_remove_blog_ok">Supprimer le blog</string>
+  <string name="blogs_blog_removed">Blog supprimé</string>
+  <string name="blogs_reblog_comment_hint">Ajouter un commentaire optionnel</string>
+  <string name="blogs_reblog_button">Reblog</string>
+  <!--Blog Sharing-->
+  <string name="blogs_sharing_share">Partager le blog</string>
+  <string name="blogs_sharing_error">Une erreur s\'est produite lors du partage du blog.</string>
+  <string name="blogs_sharing_button">Partager le blog</string>
+  <string name="blogs_sharing_snackbar">Blog partagé avec les contacts choisis</string>
+  <string name="blogs_sharing_response_accepted_sent">Vous avez accepté l\'invitation au blog de %s.</string>
+  <string name="blogs_sharing_response_declined_sent">Vous avez refusé l\'invitation au blog de %s.</string>
+  <string name="blogs_sharing_response_accepted_received">%s a accepté l\'invitation au blog.</string>
+  <string name="blogs_sharing_response_declined_received">%s a décliné l\'invitation au blog.</string>
+  <string name="blogs_sharing_invitation_received">%1$s a partagé le blog personnel de %2$s avec vous.</string>
+  <string name="blogs_sharing_invitation_sent">Vous avez partagé le blog personnel de %1$s avec %2$s.</string>
+  <string name="blogs_sharing_invitations_title">Invitations au blog</string>
+  <string name="blogs_sharing_exists">Vous êtes déjà inscrit à ce blog. Accepter à nouveau peut conduire à une de post de blog.</string>
+  <string name="blogs_sharing_joined_toast">Abonné au Blog</string>
+  <string name="blogs_sharing_declined_toast">Invitation au blog refusée</string>
+  <!--RSS Feeds-->
+  <string name="blogs_rss_feeds_import">Import de flux RSS</string>
+  <string name="blogs_rss_feeds_import_button">Importer</string>
+  <string name="blogs_rss_feeds_import_hint">Saisir l\'URL du Flux RSS</string>
+  <string name="blogs_rss_feeds_import_error">Désolé, une erreur s\'est produite lors de l’importation du flux.</string>
+  <string name="blogs_rss_feeds_manage">Gérer le flux RSS</string>
+  <string name="blogs_rss_feeds_manage_imported">Importé :</string>
+  <string name="blogs_rss_feeds_manage_author">Auteur :</string>
+  <string name="blogs_rss_feeds_manage_updated">Dernière mise à jour :</string>
+  <string name="blogs_rss_feeds_manage_delete_error">Le flux n\'a pas pu être supprimé !</string>
+  <string name="blogs_rss_feeds_manage_empty_state">Vous n\'avez importé aucun flux RSS.\n\nPourquoi ne pas cliquer le plus dans le coin en haut à droite pour ajouter votre premier ?</string>
+  <string name="blogs_rss_feeds_manage_error">Problème lors du chargement de vos flux. Réessayer ultérieurement.</string>
+  <!--Settings Network-->
+  <string name="network_settings_title">Réseaux </string>
+  <string name="bluetooth_setting">Connecter par Bluetooth</string>
+  <string name="bluetooth_setting_enabled">Lorsque des contacts sont à proximité</string>
+  <string name="bluetooth_setting_disabled">Uniquement lors de l\'ajout de contacts</string>
+  <string name="tor_mobile_setting">Connecté via Tor</string>
+  <string name="tor_mobile_setting_enabled">En Wifi ou en données mobiles</string>
+  <string name="tor_mobile_setting_disabled">Uniquement en Wifi</string>
+  <!--Settings Security and Panic-->
+  <string name="security_settings_title">Sécurité</string>
+  <string name="change_password">Modifier le mot de passe</string>
+  <string name="current_password">Tapez le mot de passe actuel :</string>
+  <string name="choose_new_password">Choisir le nouveau mot de passe :</string>
+  <string name="confirm_new_password">Confirmer le nouveau mot de passe :</string>
+  <string name="password_changed">Le mot de passe a été changé.</string>
+  <string name="panic_setting">Paramètres du bouton Panique.</string>
+  <string name="panic_setting_title">Bouton Panique</string>
+  <string name="panic_setting_hint">Configurer Briar pour l\'utilisation de l\'application du bouton Panique.</string>
+  <string name="panic_app_setting_title">Application bouton Panique.</string>
+  <string name="unknown_app">une application inconnue</string>
+  <string name="panic_app_setting_summary">Aucune application définie</string>
+  <string name="panic_app_setting_none">Aucune</string>
+  <string name="dialog_title_connect_panic_app">Confirmer l\'application Panique</string>
+  <string name="dialog_message_connect_panic_app">Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir autoriser %1$s à déclencher les actions destructives du bouton Panique ?</string>
+  <string name="lock_setting_title">Se déconnecter</string>
+  <string name="lock_setting_summary">Se déconnecter de Briar lorsque le bouton Panique est pressé</string>
+  <string name="purge_setting_title">Supprimer le compte</string>
+  <string name="purge_setting_summary">Supprimer votre compte lorsqu\'un bouton Panique est pressé. Attention : ceci supprimera définitivement vos identités, contacts et messages.</string>
+  <string name="uninstall_setting_title">Désinstaller Briar</string>
+  <string name="uninstall_setting_summary">Ceci nécessite une confirmation manuelle en cas d\'événement de panique</string>
+  <!--Settings Notifications-->
+  <string name="notification_settings_title">Notifications</string>
+  <string name="notify_private_messages_setting">Afficher les alertes pour les messages privés</string>
+  <string name="notify_group_messages_setting">Afficher les alertes pour les messages de groupe</string>
+  <string name="notify_forum_posts_setting">Afficher les alertes pour les posts de forum</string>
+  <string name="notify_blog_posts_setting">Afficher les alertes pour les posts de blog</string>
+  <string name="notify_vibration_setting">Vibration</string>
+  <string name="notify_sound_setting">Sonnerie</string>
+  <string name="notify_sound_setting_default">Sonnerie par défaut</string>
+  <string name="notify_sound_setting_disabled">Aucune</string>
+  <string name="choose_ringtone_title">Choisir la sonnerie</string>
+  <!--Settings Feedback-->
+  <string name="feedback_settings_title">Commentaires</string>
+  <string name="send_feedback">Envoyer vos commentaires</string>
+  <!--Link Warning-->
+  <string name="link_warning_title">Avertissement de lien</string>
+  <string name="link_warning_intro">Vous êtes sur le point d\'ouvrir le lien suivant via une application externe.</string>
+  <string name="link_warning_text">Ceci pourrait être utilisé pour vous identifier. Évaluez la confiance que vous avez en la personne qui vous a envoyé ce lien et envisagez de l\'ouvrir avec Orfox.</string>
+  <string name="link_warning_open_link">Ouvrir le lien</string>
+  <!--Crash Reporter-->
+  <string name="crash_report_title">Rapport de plantage Briar</string>
+  <string name="briar_crashed">Désolé, Briar a planté.</string>
+  <string name="not_your_fault">Vous n\'y êtes pour rien.</string>
+  <string name="please_send_report">Aidez-nous à améliorer Briar en nous envoyant un rapport de plantage.</string>
+  <string name="report_is_encrypted">Nous promettons que le rapport est chiffré et envoyé en toute sécurité. </string>
+  <string name="feedback_title">Commentaires</string>
+  <string name="describe_crash">Décrivez ce qui s\'est produit (optionnel)</string>
+  <string name="enter_feedback">Saisir vos commentaires</string>
+  <string name="optional_contact_email">Votre adresse émail (optionnel)</string>
+  <string name="include_debug_report_crash">Ajouter des données anonymes concernant le plantage</string>
+  <string name="include_debug_report_feedback">Ajouter des données anonymes concernant cet appareil</string>
+  <string name="could_not_load_report_data">Impossible de charger les données du rapport.</string>
+  <string name="send_report">Envoyer le rapport</string>
+  <string name="close">Fermer</string>
+  <string name="dev_report_saved">Rapport enregistré. Il sera envoyé lors de votre prochaine connexion à Briar.</string>
+  <!--Sign Out-->
+  <string name="progress_title_logout">Déconnexion de Briar</string>
diff --git a/briar-android/res/values-it/strings.xml b/briar-android/res/values-it/strings.xml
index e7b7a678f8..b06253170b 100644
--- a/briar-android/res/values-it/strings.xml
+++ b/briar-android/res/values-it/strings.xml
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
   <string name="dialog_welcome_message">Aggiungi un contatto per iniziare a comunicare in modo sicuro oppure premi l\'icona in alto a sinistra dello schermo per vedere le altre opzioni.</string>
   <!--Navigation Drawer-->
   <string name="contact_list_button">Contatti</string>
+  <string name="groups_button">Gruppi privati</string>
   <string name="forums_button">Forum</string>
   <string name="blogs_button">Blog</string>
   <string name="settings_button">Impostazioni</string>
@@ -64,8 +65,10 @@
   <string name="send">Invia</string>
   <string name="no_data">Nessun dato</string>
   <string name="ellipsis">...</string>
+  <string name="text_too_long">Il testo inserito è troppo lungo</string>
   <!--Contacts and Private Conversations-->
   <string name="date_no_private_messages">Nessun messaggio.</string>
+  <string name="message_hint">Scrivi un messaggio</string>
   <string name="delete_contact">Elimina contatto</string>
   <string name="dialog_title_delete_contact">Conferma cancellazione contatto</string>
   <string name="contact_deleted_toast">Contatto cancellato</string>
@@ -100,7 +103,6 @@
   <string name="introduction_button">Crea l\'introduzione</string>
   <string name="introduction_sent">La tua introduzione è stata inviata.</string>
   <string name="introduction_error">C\'è stato un errore nella creazione dell\'introduzione</string>
-  <string name="introduction_warn_different_identities_title">Attenzione: differenti identità</string>
   <string name="dialog_button_introduce">Introduci</string>
   <string name="introduction_request_sent">Hai richiesto di introdurre %1$s a %2$s.</string>
   <string name="introduction_request_answered_received">%1$s ha richiesto di introdurti a %2$s.</string>
@@ -114,6 +116,18 @@
     <item quantity="other">Aggiunti %d nuovi contatti.</item>
   <!--Private Groups-->
+  <string name="groups_created_by">Creato da %s</string>
+  <string name="groups_remove">Rimuovere</string>
+  <string name="groups_create_group_title">Crea gruppo privato</string>
+  <string name="groups_create_group_button">Crea gruppo</string>
+  <string name="groups_create_group_invitation_button">Invia invito</string>
+  <string name="groups_message_sent">Messaggio inviato</string>
+  <string name="groups_message_received">Messaggio ricevuto</string>
+  <string name="groups_member_list">Lista membri</string>
+  <string name="groups_invite_members">Invita Membri</string>
+  <string name="groups_leave">Lascia gruppo</string>
+  <!--Private Group Invitations-->
+  <!--Private Groups Revealing Contacts-->
   <string name="create_forum_title">Nuovo Forum</string>
   <string name="choose_forum_name">Scegli un nome per il tuo forum:</string>
@@ -125,7 +139,6 @@
     <item quantity="other">%d post</item>
   <string name="forum_message_reply_hint">Nuova Risposta</string>
-  <string name="btn_reply">RISPOSTA</string>
   <plurals name="message_replies">
     <item quantity="one">risposta di %1$d</item>
     <item quantity="other">risposte di %1$d</item>
@@ -136,13 +149,11 @@
   <string name="forum_left_toast">Forum lasciato</string>
   <!--Forum Sharing-->
   <string name="forum_share_button">Condividi Forum</string>
-  <string name="contacts_selected">Condividi questo forum con i contatti scelti</string>
   <string name="activity_share_toolbar_header">Scegli Contatti</string>
   <string name="forum_shared_snackbar">Forum condiviso con i contatti scelti</string>
   <string name="forum_share_error">C\'è stato un errore nella condivisione di questo forum.</string>
   <string name="forum_invitation_received">%1$s ha condiviso il forum \"%2$s\" con te.</string>
   <string name="forum_invitation_sent">Hai condiviso il forum \"%1$s\" con %2$s.</string>
-  <string name="forum_show_invitations">Mostra Inviti Forum</string>
   <string name="forum_invitations_title">Inviti Forum</string>
   <string name="forum_declined_toast">Invito al forum declinato</string>
   <string name="shared_by_format">Condiviso da %s</string>
@@ -160,28 +171,16 @@
   <string name="forum_shared_with">Condiviso con</string>
   <string name="nobody">Nessuno</string>
-  <string name="blogs_my_blogs_create">Crea Blog</string>
-  <string name="blogs_my_blogs_label">Aggiungi nuovo Blog</string>
-  <string name="blogs_my_blogs_create_hint_title">Titolo blog (non può essere cambiato dopo)</string>
-  <string name="blogs_my_blogs_create_hint_desc">Una descrizione corta del tuo nuovo blog</string>
-  <string name="blogs_my_blogs_created">Blog creato</string>
-  <string name="blogs_blog_is_empty">Questo blog è vuoto</string>
-  <string name="tag_new">NUOVO</string>
   <string name="read_more">leggi ancora</string>
   <string name="blogs_write_blog_post">Scrivere un post sul blog</string>
-  <string name="blogs_write_blog_post_title_hint">Aggiungere un titolo (facoltativo)</string>
   <string name="blogs_publish_blog_post">Pubblica</string>
   <string name="blogs_blog_post_created">Post blog creato</string>
   <string name="blogs_blog_post_received">Ricevuto nuovo post del blog</string>
-  <string name="blogs_blog_failed_to_load">Fallito caricamento blog</string>
-  <string name="blogs_blog_post_failed_to_load">Fallito caricamento messaggio del blog</string>
   <string name="blogs_personal_blog">Il blog personale di %s</string>
   <string name="blogs_remove_blog">Rimuovi Blog</string>
   <string name="blogs_remove_blog_ok">Rimuovi Blog</string>
   <string name="blogs_blog_removed">Blog Rimosso</string>
   <string name="blogs_reblog_comment_hint">Aggiungi un commento facoltativo</string>
-  <string name="blogs_blog_list">Lista Blog</string>
-  <string name="blogs_available_blogs">Blog disponibili</string>
   <!--Blog Sharing-->
   <string name="blogs_sharing_share">Condividi Blog</string>
   <string name="blogs_sharing_error">C\'è stato un errore nella condivisione di questo blog.</string>
@@ -193,7 +192,6 @@
   <string name="blogs_sharing_response_declined_received">%s ha declinato l\'invito al blog.</string>
   <string name="blogs_sharing_invitation_received">%1$s ha condiviso il blog personale di %2$s con te.</string>
   <string name="blogs_sharing_invitation_sent">Hai condiviso il tuo blog personale di %1$s con %2$s.</string>
-  <string name="blogs_sharing_show_invitations">Mostra inviti del Blog</string>
   <string name="blogs_sharing_invitations_title">Inviti Blog</string>
   <string name="blogs_sharing_joined_toast">Iscritto al Blog</string>
   <string name="blogs_sharing_declined_toast">Invito al blog declinato</string>
@@ -221,6 +219,7 @@
   <string name="choose_new_password">Scegli la tua password:</string>
   <string name="confirm_new_password">Conferma la tua nuova password:</string>
   <string name="password_changed">La password è stata cambiata.</string>
+  <string name="panic_setting_title">Pulsante panico</string>
   <string name="unknown_app">un\'app sconosciuta</string>
   <string name="panic_app_setting_summary">Nessun app è stata impostata</string>
   <string name="purge_setting_title">Elimina Account</string>
@@ -238,11 +237,6 @@
   <!--Link Warning-->
   <string name="link_warning_title">Attenzione Link</string>
   <string name="link_warning_open_link">Apri Link</string>
-  <!--Multiple Identities-->
-  <string name="anonymous">Anonimo</string>
-  <string name="new_identity_title">Nuova Identità</string>
-  <string name="create_identity_button">Crea Identità</string>
-  <string name="identity_created_toast">Identità creata</string>
   <!--Crash Reporter-->
   <string name="briar_crashed">Spiacenti, Briar è crashato</string>
   <string name="not_your_fault">Questo non è colpa tua.</string>
diff --git a/briar-android/res/values-pt-rBR/strings.xml b/briar-android/res/values-pt-rBR/strings.xml
index 75d4cc14b4..4d45bde892 100644
--- a/briar-android/res/values-pt-rBR/strings.xml
+++ b/briar-android/res/values-pt-rBR/strings.xml
@@ -84,7 +84,6 @@ Apenas clique no espaço de entrada abaixo para iniciar uma conversa.</string>
   <!--Adding Contacts-->
   <string name="add_contact_title">Adicionar um contato</string>
   <string name="your_nickname">Escolha a identidade que você quer usar:</string>
-  <string name="face_to_face">Você deve estar frente-a-frente com a pessoal que deseja adicionar como contato. Isso evita que alguém se passe por você ou leia suas mensagens no futuro.</string>
   <string name="continue_button">Continuar</string>
   <string name="your_invitation_code">Seu código do convite é</string>
   <string name="enter_invitation_code">Insira o código do convite do contato:</string>
@@ -120,13 +119,10 @@ Apenas clique no espaço de entrada abaixo para iniciar uma conversa.</string>
   <string name="introduction_sent">Sua Introdução foi enviada.</string>
   <string name="introduction_error">Houve um erro ao fazer a apresentação</string>
   <string name="introduction_response_error">Erro ao responder à apresentação</string>
-  <string name="introduction_warn_different_identities_title">Aviso: identidades diferentes</string>
-  <string name="introduction_warn_different_identities_text">Você está tentando apresentar dois contatos que você adicionou com identidades diferentes. Isso pode revelar que ambas identidades são suas.</string>
   <string name="dialog_button_introduce">Apresentar</string>
   <string name="introduction_request_sent">Você recebeu um pedido para apresentar %1$s a %2$s.</string>
   <string name="introduction_request_received">%1$s pediu para apresentar você a %2$s. Você quer adicionar %2$s a sua lista de contatos?</string>
   <string name="introduction_request_exists_received">%1$s pediu para apresentar você a %2$s, mas %2$s já está na sua lista de contatos. Já que %1$s não sabe disso, você ainda pode responder:</string>
-  <string name="introduction_request_for_our_identity_received">%1$s pediu para apresentar você a %2$s, mas %2$s é uma outra identidade sua, então você não pode aceitar a apresentação.</string>
   <string name="introduction_request_answered_received">%1$s pediu para apresentar você a %2$s.</string>
   <string name="introduction_response_accepted_sent">Você aceitou ser apresentado a %1$s.</string>
   <string name="introduction_response_declined_sent">Você recusou ser apresentado a %1$s.</string>
@@ -138,6 +134,8 @@ Apenas clique no espaço de entrada abaixo para iniciar uma conversa.</string>
     <item quantity="other">%d novos contatos adicionados.</item>
   <!--Private Groups-->
+  <!--Private Group Invitations-->
+  <!--Private Groups Revealing Contacts-->
   <string name="no_forums">Você não tem nenhum fórum.
 Por que não cria um novo você mesmo, Clicando o ícone + no topo?
@@ -159,7 +157,6 @@ Se sentido sozinho aqui? Compartilhe esse fórum com seus contatos!</string>
   <string name="forum_new_entry_received">Novo tópico no fórum </string>
   <string name="forum_new_message_hint">Novo tópico</string>
   <string name="forum_message_reply_hint">Nova resposta</string>
-  <string name="btn_reply">Responder</string>
   <plurals name="message_replies">
     <item quantity="one">%1$d resposta</item>
     <item quantity="other">%1$d respostas</item>
@@ -171,7 +168,6 @@ Se sentido sozinho aqui? Compartilhe esse fórum com seus contatos!</string>
   <string name="forum_left_toast">Saiu do fórum</string>
   <!--Forum Sharing-->
   <string name="forum_share_button">Compartilhar fórum</string>
-  <string name="contacts_selected">Compartilhar este fórum com os contatos escolhidos</string>
   <string name="activity_share_toolbar_header">Escolher contatos</string>
   <string name="no_contacts_selector">Parece que você é novo aqui e não tem nenhum contato ainda.
 Por favor volte aqui depois de adicionar um contato.</string>
@@ -180,7 +176,6 @@ Por favor volte aqui depois de adicionar um contato.</string>
   <string name="forum_share_error">Houve um erro em compartilhar esse fórum.</string>
   <string name="forum_invitation_received">%1$s compartilhou o fórum \"%2$s\" com você.</string>
   <string name="forum_invitation_sent">Você compartilhou o fórum \"%1$s\" com %2$s.</string>
-  <string name="forum_show_invitations">Mostrar os convites de Forum</string>
   <string name="forum_invitations_title">Convites para Foruns</string>
   <string name="forum_invitation_exists">Você já aceitou o convite deste fórum. Aceitando mais convites fortalecerá a comunicação no fórum.</string>
   <string name="forum_joined_toast">Você entrou no fórum</string>
@@ -200,26 +195,15 @@ Por favor volte aqui depois de adicionar um contato.</string>
   <string name="forum_shared_with">Compartilhado com</string>
   <string name="nobody">Ninguém</string>
-  <string name="blogs_my_blogs_create">Criar Blog</string>
-  <string name="blogs_my_blogs_label">Adicionar novo Blog</string>
-  <string name="blogs_my_blogs_create_hint_title">Título do Blog (não pode ser mudado depois)</string>
-  <string name="blogs_my_blogs_create_hint_desc">Uma pequena descrição do seu novo Blog</string>
-  <string name="blogs_my_blogs_create_hint_desc_explanation">Leitores Potenciais podem se inscrever ou não no seu Blog baseado no conteúdo da descrição. </string>
-  <string name="blogs_my_blogs_created">Blog Criado</string>
-  <string name="blogs_blog_is_empty">Esse blog está vazio</string>
   <string name="blogs_other_blog_empty_state">Esse Blog atualmente está vazio.
 Ou o autor não não postou nada ainda, ou a pessoa que compartilhou esse Blog contigo precisa estar online, assim os Posts serão sincronizados.</string>
-  <string name="tag_new">Novo</string>
   <string name="read_more">leia mais</string>
   <string name="blogs_write_blog_post">Escrever Post do Blog</string>
-  <string name="blogs_write_blog_post_title_hint">Adicione um Título (opcional)</string>
   <string name="blogs_write_blog_post_body_hint">Digite aqui seu post do blog</string>
   <string name="blogs_publish_blog_post">Publicar</string>
   <string name="blogs_blog_post_created">Post do Blog criado</string>
   <string name="blogs_blog_post_received">Novo Post de Blog recebido</string>
   <string name="blogs_blog_post_scroll_to">Role Para</string>
-  <string name="blogs_blog_failed_to_load">Falha ao carregar o Blog</string>
-  <string name="blogs_blog_post_failed_to_load">Post de Blog falhou ao carregar</string>
   <string name="blogs_feed_empty_state">Esse é o feed de blog global.
 Parece que ninguém postou nada, ainda.
 Seja o primeiro a postar e clique no ícone da caneta para escrever um novo Post pro Blog.</string>
@@ -231,8 +215,6 @@ Note que isso não irá remover o Blog dos dispositivos de outras pessoas. </str
   <string name="blogs_blog_removed">Blog Deletado</string>
   <string name="blogs_reblog_comment_hint">Adicione um comentario (opcional)</string>
   <string name="blogs_reblog_button">Reblog</string>
-  <string name="blogs_blog_list">Lista de blogs</string>
-  <string name="blogs_available_blogs">Blogs Disponíveis </string>
   <!--Blog Sharing-->
   <string name="blogs_sharing_share">Compartilhar Blog</string>
   <string name="blogs_sharing_error">Houve um erro em compartilhar esse Blog.</string>
@@ -244,7 +226,6 @@ Note que isso não irá remover o Blog dos dispositivos de outras pessoas. </str
   <string name="blogs_sharing_response_declined_received">%s recusou o convite de Fórum.</string>
   <string name="blogs_sharing_invitation_received">%1$s compartilhou o blog %2$s com você.</string>
   <string name="blogs_sharing_invitation_sent">Você compartilhou o blog de %1$s com %2$s.</string>
-  <string name="blogs_sharing_show_invitations">Mostrar os convites de Fórum</string>
   <string name="blogs_sharing_invitations_title">Convites para Fóruns</string>
   <string name="blogs_sharing_exists">Você já está inscrito neste blog. Aceitando novamente pode tornar mais rápida a entrega dos posts.</string>
   <string name="blogs_sharing_joined_toast">Inscrito neste Blog</string>
@@ -309,11 +290,6 @@ Note que isso não irá remover o Blog dos dispositivos de outras pessoas. </str
   <string name="link_warning_intro">Você está prestes a abrir esse link em um Aplicativo Externo.</string>
   <string name="link_warning_text">Isso pode ser usado para identificar você. Pense se você confia a pessoa que enviou esse link ou considere abrindo o no Orfox.</string>
   <string name="link_warning_open_link">Abrir Link</string>
-  <!--Multiple Identities-->
-  <string name="anonymous">Anônimo</string>
-  <string name="new_identity_title">Nova identidade</string>
-  <string name="create_identity_button">Criar identidade</string>
-  <string name="identity_created_toast">Identidade criada</string>
   <!--Crash Reporter-->
   <string name="crash_report_title">Relatório de falhas do Briar</string>
   <string name="briar_crashed">Briar encerrou de maneira inesperada</string>
diff --git a/briar-android/res/values-sq/strings.xml b/briar-android/res/values-sq/strings.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bfc5f26e40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/briar-android/res/values-sq/strings.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+  <!--Setup-->
+  <string name="setup_title">Rregullimi i Briar-it</string>
+  <string name="setup_explanation">Llogaria juaj Briar depozitohet e fshehtëzuar në pajisjen tuaj, jo në re. Nëse e çinstaloni Briar-in ose harroni fjalëkalimin tuaj, nuk ka rrugë për ta rimarrë llogarinë tuaj dhe të dhënat tuaja.</string>
+  <string name="choose_nickname">Zgjidhni nofkën tuaj</string>
+  <string name="choose_password">Zgjidhni fjalëkalimin tuaj</string>
+  <string name="confirm_password">Ripohoni fjalëkalimin tuaj</string>
+  <string name="name_too_long">Emri është shumë i gjatë</string>
+  <string name="password_too_weak">Fjalëkalimi është shumë i dobët</string>
+  <string name="passwords_do_not_match">Fjalëkalimet nuk përputhen</string>
+  <string name="create_account_button">Krijoje Llogarinë</string>
+  <string name="progress_title_please_wait">Ju lutemi, prisni…</string>
+  <!--Login-->
+  <string name="enter_password">Jepni fjalëkalimin tuaj:</string>
+  <string name="try_again">Fjalëkalim i gabuar, riprovoni</string>
+  <string name="sign_in_button">Hyni</string>
+  <string name="forgotten_password">Kam harruar fjalëkalimin tim</string>
+  <string name="dialog_title_lost_password">U humb Fjalëkalimi</string>
+  <string name="dialog_message_lost_password">Llogaria juaj Briar depozitohet e fshehtëzuar në pajisjen tuaj, jo në re, ndaj s’mund ta ricaktojmë fjalëkalimin tuaj. Do të donit ta fshini llogarinë tuaj dhe t’ia filloni nga e para?\n\nKujdes: Identitetet, kontaktet dhe mesazhet tuaja do të humbin përgjithnjë.</string>
+  <string name="startup_failed_notification_title">Briar-i s’u nis dot</string>
+  <string name="startup_failed_notification_text">Mund të keni nevojë të ri-instaloni Briar-in.</string>
+  <string name="startup_failed_activity_title">Dështim Nisjeje i Briar-it</string>
+  <string name="startup_failed_db_error">Për ndonjë arsye, baza e të dhënave e Briar-it tuaj është aq e dëmtuar, sa s’mund të ndreqet. Llogaria juaj, të dhënat tuaja dhe krejt lidhjet tuaja me kontaktet kanë humbur. Mjerisht lypset të ri-instaloni Briar-in dhe të rregulloni një llogari të re.</string>
+  <string name="startup_failed_service_error">Briar-i s’arriti të nisë një shtojcë të domosdoshme. Ri-instalimi i Briar-it zakonisht e zgjidh këtë problem. Por, ju lutemi, kini parasysh se me të do të humbni llogarinë tuaj dhe krejt të dhënat e lidhura me të, ngaqë Briar nuk përdor shërbyes qendrorë për të depozituar në ta të dhënat tuaja.</string>
+  <string name="expiry_warning">Ky software ka skaduar.\nJu lutemi, instaloni një version më të ri.</string>
+  <string name="dialog_title_welcome">Mirë se vini në Briar</string>
+  <string name="dialog_welcome_message">Shtoni një kontakt që të filloni të komunikoni në mënyrë të sigurt, ose shtypni ikonën në cepin e sipërm majtas të ekranit për më tepër mundësi.</string>
+  <!--Navigation Drawer-->
+  <string name="nav_drawer_open_description">Hap sirtarin e lëvizjeve</string>
+  <string name="nav_drawer_close_description">Mbylle sirtarin e lëvizjeve</string>
+  <string name="contact_list_button">Kontakte</string>
+  <string name="groups_button">Grupe Private</string>
+  <string name="forums_button">Forume</string>
+  <string name="blogs_button">Blogje</string>
+  <string name="settings_button">Rregullime</string>
+  <string name="sign_out_button">Dilni</string>
+  <!--Transports-->
+  <string name="transport_tor">Internet</string>
+  <string name="transport_bt">Bluetooth</string>
+  <string name="transport_lan">Wi-Fi</string>
+  <!--Notifications-->
+  <string name="ongoing_notification_title">Hytë në Briar</string>
+  <string name="ongoing_notification_text">Prekeni, që të hapet Briar-i</string>
+  <plurals name="private_message_notification_text">
+    <item quantity="one">Mesazh i ri privat.</item>
+    <item quantity="other">%d mesazhe të reja private.</item>
+  </plurals>
+  <plurals name="group_message_notification_text">
+    <item quantity="one">Mesazh i ri grupi.</item>
+    <item quantity="other">%d mesazhe të rinj grupi.</item>
+  </plurals>
+  <plurals name="forum_post_notification_text">
+    <item quantity="one">Postim i ri forumi</item>
+    <item quantity="other">%d postime të rinj forumi.</item>
+  </plurals>
+  <plurals name="blog_post_notification_text">
+    <item quantity="one">Postim i ri blogu.</item>
+    <item quantity="other">%d postime të reja blogu.</item>
+  </plurals>
+  <!--Misc-->
+  <string name="now">tani</string>
+  <string name="show">Shfaqi</string>
+  <string name="hide">Fshihi</string>
+  <string name="ok">OK</string>
+  <string name="cancel">Anuloje</string>
+  <string name="delete">Fshije</string>
+  <string name="accept">Pranoje</string>
+  <string name="decline">Hidhe poshtë</string>
+  <string name="options">Mundësi</string>
+  <string name="online">Në linjë</string>
+  <string name="offline">Jo në linjë</string>
+  <string name="send">Dërgoje</string>
+  <string name="no_data">S’ka të dhëna</string>
+  <string name="ellipsis">…</string>
+  <string name="text_too_long">Teksti i dhënë është shumë i gjatë</string>
+  <string name="show_onboarding">Shfaq Dialog Ndihme</string>
+  <!--Contacts and Private Conversations-->
+  <string name="no_contacts">Duket se jeni i ri këtu dhe ende s’keni kontakte.\n\nPrekni ikonën + në krye dhe ndiqni udhëzimet që të shtoni ca shokë e miq te lista juaj.\n\nJu lutemi, mbani mend: Mundeni të shtoni kontakte të rinj vetëm duke qenë ballë për ballë me ta. që kështu të pengoni cilindo të hiqet si ju ose të lexojë në të ardhmen mesazhet tuaj.</string>
+  <string name="date_no_private_messages">S’ka mesazhe.</string>
+  <string name="no_private_messages">Kjo është pamja e bisedave.\n\nDuket se ka mungesë bisedash.\n\nQë të filloni një bisedë, thjesht prekni fushën e teksteve në fund.</string>
+  <string name="message_hint">Shtypni mesazhin</string>
+  <string name="delete_contact">Fshije kontaktin</string>
+  <string name="dialog_title_delete_contact">Ripohoni Fshirje Kontakti</string>
+  <string name="dialog_message_delete_contact">Jeni i sigurt se doni të hiqet ky kontakt dhe krejt mesazhet e shkëmbyer me këtë kontakt?</string>
+  <string name="contact_deleted_toast">Kontakti u fshi</string>
+  <!--Adding Contacts-->
+  <string name="add_contact_title">Shtoni një Kontakt</string>
+  <string name="your_nickname">Zgjidhni identitetin që doni të përdoret:</string>
+  <string name="face_to_face">Duhet të takoheni me personin që doni ta shtoni si kontakt.\n\nKjo do të pengojë cilindo të hiqet si ju ose të lexojë në të ardhmen mesazhet tuaj.</string>
+  <string name="continue_button">Vazhdo</string>
+  <string name="your_invitation_code">Kodi juaj i ftesës është</string>
+  <string name="enter_invitation_code">Ju lutemi, jepni kodin e ftesës së kontaktit tuaj:</string>
+  <string name="searching_format">Po kërkohet për kontakt me kod ftese %06d\u2026</string>
+  <string name="connection_failed">Lidhja dështoi</string>
+  <string name="could_not_find_contact">Briar-i s’e gjeti dot kontaktin tuaj këtej pari</string>
+  <string name="could_not_open_camera">S’u hy dot te kamera juaj. Ju lutemi, riprovoni!</string>
+  <string name="try_again_button">Riprovoni</string>
+  <string name="connected_to_contact">U lidh me kontaktin</string>
+  <string name="calculating_confirmation_code">Po përllogaritet kodi i ripohimit\u2026</string>
+  <string name="your_confirmation_code">Kodi juaj i ripohimit është</string>
+  <string name="enter_confirmation_code">Ju lutemi, jepni kodin e ripohimit të kontaktit tuaj:</string>
+  <string name="waiting_for_contact">Po pritet për kontaktin\u2026</string>
+  <string name="waiting_for_contact_to_scan">Po pritet që kontakti ta skanojë dhe të lidhet\u2026</string>
+  <string name="exchanging_contact_details">Po shkëmbehen hollësi kontaktesh\u2026</string>
+  <string name="codes_do_not_match">Kodet nuk përputhen</string>
+  <string name="interfering">Kjo do të thotë se dikush tjetër po përpiqet të fusë hundët në kontaktin tuaj</string>
+  <string name="contact_added_toast">Kontakti u shtua: %s</string>
+  <string name="contact_already_exists">Kontakti %s ekziston tashmë</string>
+  <string name="contact_exchange_failed">Shkëmbimi i kontaktit dështoi</string>
+  <string name="qr_code_invalid">Kodi QR është i pavlefshëm</string>
+  <string name="connecting_to_device">Po lidhet me pajisjen\u2026</string>
+  <string name="authenticating_with_device">Po bëhet mirëfilltësimi me pajisjen\u2026</string>
+  <string name="connection_aborted_local">Lidhje e ndërprerë nga ne! Kjo mund të jetë shenjë se dikush po përpiqet të fusë hundët në lidhjen tuaj</string>
+  <string name="connection_aborted_remote">Lidhje e ndërprerë nga kontakti juaj! Kjo mund të jetë shenjë se dikush po përpiqet të fusë hundët në lidhjen tuaj</string>
+  <!--Introductions-->
+  <string name="introduction_onboarding_title">Prezantoni kontaktet tuaja</string>
+  <string name="introduction_onboarding_text">Kontaktet tuaja mund t’ia prezantoni njëri-tjetrit, që kështu të mos u duhet të takohen realisht për të mundur të lidhen në Briar.</string>
+  <string name="introduction_activity_title">Përzgjidhni Kontakt</string>
+  <string name="introduction_message_title">Prezantoni Kontakte</string>
+  <string name="introduction_message_text">Mund të hartoni një mesazh për t’u dërguar te %1$s dhe %2$s tok me prezantimin tuaj:</string>
+  <string name="introduction_message_hint">Shtypni mesazh (në daçi)</string>
+  <string name="introduction_button">Bëje prezantimin</string>
+  <string name="introduction_sent">Prezantimi juaj u dërgua.</string>
+  <string name="introduction_error">Pati një gabim me bërjen e prezantimit.</string>
+  <string name="introduction_response_error">Gabim në përgjigjen ndaj prezantimit</string>
+  <string name="dialog_button_introduce">Prezantoje</string>
+  <string name="introduction_request_sent">Keni kërkuar të prezantoni %1$s te %2$s.</string>
+  <string name="introduction_request_received">%1$s ka kërkuar t’ju prezantojë te %2$s. Doni të shtohet %2$s te lista juaj e kontakteve?</string>
+  <string name="introduction_request_exists_received">%1$s ka kërkuar t’ju prezantojë te %2$s, por %2$s gjendet tashmë te lista juaj e kontakteve. Meqë %1$s mund të mos ta dijë këtë gjë, mundeni prapëseprapë t’i përgjigjeni:</string>
+  <string name="introduction_request_answered_received">%1$s ka kërkuar t’ju prezantojë te %2$s.</string>
+  <string name="introduction_response_accepted_sent">Pranuat prezantimin te %1$s.</string>
+  <string name="introduction_response_declined_sent">Hodhët poshtë prezantimin te %1$s.</string>
+  <string name="introduction_response_accepted_received">%1$s pranoi prezantimin te %2$s.</string>
+  <string name="introduction_response_declined_received">%1$s hodhi poshtë prezantimin te %2$s.</string>
+  <string name="introduction_response_declined_received_by_introducee">%1$s thotë se %2$s hodhi poshtë prezantimin.</string>
+  <plurals name="introduction_notification_text">
+    <item quantity="one">U shtua kontakt i ri.</item>
+    <item quantity="other">U shtuan %d kontakte të rinj.</item>
+  </plurals>
+  <!--Private Groups-->
+  <string name="groups_list_empty">S’merrni pjesë në ndonjë grup.\n\nPrekni ikonën + në krye që të krijoni një grup ose kërkojuni kontakteve tuaj t’ju ftojnë në një prej grupeve të tyre.</string>
+  <string name="groups_created_by">Krijuar nga %s</string>
+  <plurals name="messages">
+    <item quantity="one">%d mesazh</item>
+    <item quantity="other">%d mesazhe</item>
+  </plurals>
+  <string name="groups_group_is_empty">Ky grup është i zbrazët</string>
+  <string name="groups_group_is_dissolved">Ky grup është shkrirë</string>
+  <string name="groups_remove">Hiqe</string>
+  <string name="groups_create_group_title">Krijoni Grup Privat</string>
+  <string name="groups_no_messages">Ky grup është i zbrazët.\n\nMund të përdorni ikonën penë në krye që të hartoni mesazhin e parë.</string>
+  <string name="groups_create_group_button">Krijoje Grupin</string>
+  <string name="groups_create_group_invitation_button">Dërgoje Ftesën</string>
+  <string name="groups_create_group_hint">Shtoni një emër për grupin tuaj privat</string>
+  <string name="groups_invitation_sent">Ftesa e grupit u dërgua</string>
+  <string name="groups_compose_message">Hartoni Mesazh</string>
+  <string name="groups_message_sent">Mesazhi u dërgua</string>
+  <string name="groups_message_received">Mesazhi u mor</string>
+  <string name="groups_member_list">Listë Anëtarësh</string>
+  <string name="groups_invite_members">Ftoni Anëtarë</string>
+  <string name="groups_member_created_you">E krijuat grupin</string>
+  <string name="groups_member_created">%s krijoi grupin</string>
+  <string name="groups_member_joined_you">U bëtë pjesë e grupit</string>
+  <string name="groups_member_joined">%s u bë pjesë e grupit</string>
+  <string name="groups_leave">Braktiseni Grupin</string>
+  <string name="groups_leave_dialog_title">Ripohoni Braktisjen e Grupit</string>
+  <string name="groups_leave_dialog_message">Jeni i sigurt se doni ta braktisni këtë grup?</string>
+  <string name="groups_dissolve">Shkrijeni Grupin</string>
+  <string name="groups_dissolve_dialog_title">Ripohoni Shkrirjen e Grupit</string>
+  <string name="groups_dissolve_dialog_message">Jeni i sigurt se doni të shkrihet ky grup?\n\nKrejt anëtarët e tjerë s’do të jenë në gjendje të vazhdojnë bisedat e tyre dhe mundet të mos i marrin mesazhet më të rinj.</string>
+  <string name="groups_dissolve_button">Shkrije</string>
+  <string name="groups_dissolved_dialog_title">Grupi u Shkri</string>
+  <string name="groups_dissolved_dialog_message">Krijuesi i këtij grupi e ka shkrirë atë.\n\nS’mund të shkruani më mesazhe për grupin dhe mundet të mos i merrni krejt postimet që janë shkruar.</string>
+  <!--Private Group Invitations-->
+  <string name="groups_invitations_title">Ftesa Grupi</string>
+  <string name="groups_invitations_invitation_sent">Keni ftuar %1$s të bëhet pjesë e grupit \"%2$s\".</string>
+  <string name="groups_invitations_invitation_received">%1$s ju ka ftuar të bëheni pjesë e grupit \"%2$s\".</string>
+  <string name="groups_invitations_joined">U bëtë pjesë e grupit</string>
+  <string name="groups_invitations_declined">Ftesa e grupit u hodh poshtë</string>
+  <plurals name="groups_invitations_open">
+    <item quantity="one">%d ftesë grupi e hapur</item>
+    <item quantity="other">%d ftesa grupi të hapura</item>
+  </plurals>
+  <string name="groups_invitations_response_accepted_sent">Pranuat ftesën e grupit nga %s.</string>
+  <string name="groups_invitations_response_declined_sent">Hodhët poshtë ftesën e grupit nga %s.</string>
+  <string name="groups_invitations_response_accepted_received">%s e pranoi ftesën e grupit.</string>
+  <string name="groups_invitations_response_declined_received">%s e hodhi poshtë ftesën e grupit.</string>
+  <!--Private Groups Revealing Contacts-->
+  <string name="groups_reveal_contacts">Shfaqua Kontaktet</string>
+  <string name="groups_reveal_dialog_message">Mund të zgjidhni t’ua shfaqni ose jo kontaktet krejt anëtarëve të tanishëm dhe të ardhshëm të këtij grupi.\n\nShfaqja e kontakteve e bën lidhjen tuaj me grupin më të shpejtë dhe më të besueshme, ngaqë mund të komunikoni me kontaktet e shfaqura edhe kur krijuesi i grupit s’është në linjë.</string>
+  <string name="groups_reveal_visible">Marrëdhënia e kontaktit është e dukshme për grupin</string>
+  <string name="groups_reveal_visible_revealed_by_us">Marrëdhënia e kontaktit është e dukshme për grupin (shfaqur nga ju)</string>
+  <string name="groups_reveal_visible_revealed_by_contact">Marrëdhënia e kontaktit është e dukshme për grupin (shfaqur nga %s)</string>
+  <string name="groups_reveal_invisible">Marrëdhënia e kontaktit s’është e dukshme për grupin</string>
+  <!--Forums-->
+  <string name="no_forums">Ende s’keni forume.\n\nPse nuk krijoni vetë një të tillë duke prekur ikonën + në krye?\n\nMund edhe t’u kërkoni kontakteve tuaj të ndajnë me ju forume.</string>
+  <string name="create_forum_title">Forum i Ri</string>
+  <string name="choose_forum_name">Zgjidhni një emër për forumin tuaj:</string>
+  <string name="create_forum_button">Krijoje Forumin</string>
+  <string name="forum_created_toast">Forumi u krijua</string>
+  <string name="no_forum_posts">Ky forum është i zbrazët.\n\nPërdorni ikonën penë që të hartoni postimin tuaj të parë.\n\nNdiheni vetëm? Ndajeni këtë forum me kontaktet tuaj!</string>
+  <string name="no_posts">S’ka postime</string>
+  <plurals name="posts">
+    <item quantity="one">%d postim</item>
+    <item quantity="other">%d postime</item>
+  </plurals>
+  <string name="forum_compose_post">Postim i Ri Forumi</string>
+  <string name="forum_new_entry_posted">U postua zë forumi</string>
+  <string name="forum_new_entry_received">Zë i ri forumi</string>
+  <string name="forum_new_message_hint">Zë i Ri</string>
+  <string name="forum_message_reply_hint">Përgjigje e Re</string>
+  <string name="btn_reply">Përgjigju</string>
+  <plurals name="message_replies">
+    <item quantity="one">%1$d përgjigje</item>
+    <item quantity="other">%1$d përgjigje</item>
+  </plurals>
+  <string name="forum_leave">Braktiseni Forumin</string>
+  <string name="dialog_title_leave_forum">Ripohoni Braktisjen e Forumit</string>
+  <string name="dialog_message_leave_forum">Jeni i sigurt se doni ta braktisni këtë forum? Kontaktet me të cilët e keni ndarë këtë forum mundet të mbeten jashtë marrjes së përditësimeve nga ky forum.</string>
+  <string name="dialog_button_leave">Braktise</string>
+  <string name="forum_left_toast">E braktisët Forumin</string>
+  <!--Forum Sharing-->
+  <string name="forum_share_button">Ndajeni Forumin Me të Tjerë</string>
+  <string name="contacts_selected">Kontaktet u përzgjodhën</string>
+  <string name="activity_share_toolbar_header">Zgjidhni Kontakte</string>
+  <string name="no_contacts_selector">Duket se jeni i ri këtu dhe s’keni ende kontakte.\n\nJu lutemi, rikthehuni këtu pasi të keni shtuar kontaktin tuaj të parë.</string>
+  <string name="forum_shared_snackbar">Forumi u nda me kontaktet e zgjedhur</string>
+  <string name="forum_share_message">Mundeni të hartoni një mesazh ftese (në daçi) që do t’u dërgohet kontakteve të përzgjedhur.</string>
+  <string name="forum_share_error">Pati një gabim në ndarjen e këtij forumi me të tjerët.</string>
+  <string name="forum_invitation_received">%1$s ndau me ju forumin \"%2$s\".</string>
+  <string name="forum_invitation_sent">Ndatë me \"%2$s\" forumin %1$s.</string>
+  <string name="forum_invitations_title">Ftesa Forumi</string>
+  <string name="forum_invitation_exists">Keni pranuar tashmë një ftesë te ky forum. Pranimi i më shumë ftesave do të rrisë dhe forcojë komunikimin në forum.</string>
+  <string name="forum_joined_toast">U bëtë Pjesë e Forumit</string>
+  <string name="forum_declined_toast">Ftesa e Forumit u Hodh Poshtë</string>
+  <string name="shared_by_format">Ndarë nga %s</string>
+  <string name="forum_invitation_already_sharing">Ndarë tashmë</string>
+  <string name="forum_invitation_response_accepted_sent">Pranuat ftesën e forumit nga %s.</string>
+  <string name="forum_invitation_response_declined_sent">Hodhët poshtë ftesën e forumit nga %s.</string>
+  <string name="forum_invitation_response_accepted_received">%s pranoi ftesën e forumit.</string>
+  <string name="forum_invitation_response_declined_received">%s e hodhi poshtë ftesën e forumit.</string>
+  <string name="sharing_status">Gjendje Ndarjeje Me të Tjerë</string>
+  <plurals name="forums_shared">
+    <item quantity="one">%d forum ndarë nga kontakte</item>
+    <item quantity="other">%d forum ndarë nga kontakte</item>
+  </plurals>
+  <string name="forum_shared_by">Ndarë nga</string>
+  <string name="forum_shared_with">Ndarë me</string>
+  <string name="nobody">Askush</string>
+  <!--Blogs-->
+  <string name="blogs_other_blog_empty_state">Hëpërhë ky blog është i zbrazët.\n\nOse autori s’ka shkruar gjë ende, ose personi që ndau blogun me ju lypset të jetë në linjë, që të mund të njëkohësohen postimet.</string>
+  <string name="read_more">lexoni më tepër</string>
+  <string name="blogs_write_blog_post">Shkruani Postim Blogu</string>
+  <string name="blogs_write_blog_post_body_hint">Shtypni këtu postimin tuaj të blogut</string>
+  <string name="blogs_publish_blog_post">Botoje</string>
+  <string name="blogs_blog_post_created">Postimi i Blogut u Krijua</string>
+  <string name="blogs_blog_post_received">U morën Postime të Reja Blogu</string>
+  <string name="blogs_blog_post_scroll_to">Kalo Te</string>
+  <string name="blogs_feed_empty_state">Kjo është prurja globale e blogjeve.\n\nDuket se askush s’ka shkruar gjë në ndonjë blog.\n\nBëhuni ju i pari dhe prekni ikonën penë që të shkruani postimin e parë të një blogu të ri.</string>
+  <string name="blogs_personal_blog">Blogu Personal i %s</string>
+  <string name="blogs_remove_blog">hiqe Blogun</string>
+  <string name="blogs_remove_blog_dialog_message">Jeni i sigurt se doni të hiqet ky blog dhe krejt postimet?\nMbani parasysh që kjo nuk do ta heqë blogun nga pajisjet e personave të tjerë.</string>
+  <string name="blogs_remove_blog_ok">Hiqe Blogun</string>
+  <string name="blogs_blog_removed">Blogu u Hoq</string>
+  <string name="blogs_reblog_comment_hint">Shtoni një koment opsional</string>
+  <string name="blogs_reblog_button">Riblogojeni</string>
+  <!--Blog Sharing-->
+  <string name="blogs_sharing_share">Ndajeni Blogun Me të Tjerë</string>
+  <string name="blogs_sharing_error">Pati një gabim në ndarjen e këtij blogu me të tjerë.</string>
+  <string name="blogs_sharing_button">Ndaje Blogun Me të Tjerë</string>
+  <string name="blogs_sharing_snackbar">Blogu u nda me kontaktet e zgjedhur</string>
+  <string name="blogs_sharing_response_accepted_sent">Pranuat ftesën e blogut nga %s.</string>
+  <string name="blogs_sharing_response_declined_sent">Hodhët poshtë ftesën e blogut nga %s.</string>
+  <string name="blogs_sharing_response_accepted_received">%s pranoi ftesën e blogut.</string>
+  <string name="blogs_sharing_response_declined_received">%s hodhi poshtë ftesën e blogut.</string>
+  <string name="blogs_sharing_invitation_received">%1$s ka ndarë me ju blogun personal të %2$s.</string>
+  <string name="blogs_sharing_invitation_sent">Keni ndarë me %2$s blogun personal të %1$s.</string>
+  <string name="blogs_sharing_invitations_title">Ftesa Blogu</string>
+  <string name="blogs_sharing_exists">Jeni i pajtuar te ky blog një herë. Pranimi sërish mund të shpjerë te shpërndarje më e shpejtë postimesh blogu.</string>
+  <string name="blogs_sharing_joined_toast">U pajtuat te Blogu</string>
+  <string name="blogs_sharing_declined_toast">Ftesa e Blogut u Hodh Poshtë</string>
+  <!--RSS Feeds-->
+  <string name="blogs_rss_feeds_import">Importoni Prurje RSS</string>
+  <string name="blogs_rss_feeds_import_button">Importo</string>
+  <string name="blogs_rss_feeds_import_hint">Jepni URL-në e prurjes RSS</string>
+  <string name="blogs_rss_feeds_import_error">Na ndjeni! Pati një gabim me importimin e prurjes tuaj.</string>
+  <string name="blogs_rss_feeds_manage">Administroni Prurje RSS</string>
+  <string name="blogs_rss_feeds_manage_imported">Të importuara:</string>
+  <string name="blogs_rss_feeds_manage_author">Autor:</string>
+  <string name="blogs_rss_feeds_manage_updated">Përditësuar Së Fundi:</string>
+  <string name="blogs_rss_feeds_manage_delete_error">S’u fshi dot prurja!</string>
+  <string name="blogs_rss_feeds_manage_empty_state">S’keni importuar ende ndonjë prurje RSS.\n\nPse nuk klikoni mbi shenjën plus në cepin e sipërm djathtas që të shtoni të parën tuaj?</string>
+  <string name="blogs_rss_feeds_manage_error">Pati një problem me ngarkimin e prurjeve tuaja. Ju lutemi, riprovoni më vonë.</string>
+  <!--Settings Network-->
+  <string name="network_settings_title">Rrjete</string>
+  <string name="bluetooth_setting">Lidhu përmes Bluetooth-i</string>
+  <string name="bluetooth_setting_enabled">Kurdo që kontaktet janë këtej pari</string>
+  <string name="bluetooth_setting_disabled">Vetëm kur shtohen kontakte</string>
+  <string name="tor_mobile_setting">Lidhu përmes Tor-i</string>
+  <string name="tor_mobile_setting_enabled">Kur përdoret Wi-Fi ose të dhëna celulari</string>
+  <string name="tor_mobile_setting_disabled">Vetëm kur përdoret Wi-Fi</string>
+  <!--Settings Security and Panic-->
+  <string name="security_settings_title">Siguri</string>
+  <string name="change_password">Ndryshoni fjalëkalimin</string>
+  <string name="current_password">Jepni fjalëkalimin tuaj të tanishëm:</string>
+  <string name="choose_new_password">Zgjidhni fjalëkalimin tuaj të ri:</string>
+  <string name="confirm_new_password">Ripohoni fjalëkalimin tuaj të ri:</string>
+  <string name="password_changed">Fjalëkalimi u ndryshua.</string>
+  <string name="panic_setting">Rregullimi i butonit të panikut</string>
+  <string name="panic_setting_title">Buton paniku</string>
+  <string name="panic_setting_hint">Formësoni si do të reagojë Briar-i kur përdorni aplikacion butoni paniku</string>
+  <string name="panic_app_setting_title">Aplikacion Butoni Paniku</string>
+  <string name="unknown_app">aplikacion i panjohur</string>
+  <string name="panic_app_setting_summary">S’është rregulluar ndonjë aplikacion</string>
+  <string name="panic_app_setting_none">Asnjë</string>
+  <string name="dialog_title_connect_panic_app">Ripohoni Aplikacion Paniku</string>
+  <string name="dialog_message_connect_panic_app">Jeni i sigurt se doni të lejohet %1$s të prodhojë veprime shkatërruese butoni paniku?</string>
+  <string name="lock_setting_title">Dilni</string>
+  <string name="lock_setting_summary">Dil nga Briar-i nëse shtypet një buton paniku</string>
+  <string name="purge_setting_title">Fshi Llogarinë</string>
+  <string name="purge_setting_summary">Fshijeni llogarinë tuaj Briar, nëse shtypet një buton paniku. Kujdes: Kjo do të shkaktojë fshirjen e identiteteve, kontakteve dhe mesazheve tuaj</string>
+  <string name="uninstall_setting_title">Çinstalo Briar-in</string>
+  <string name="uninstall_setting_summary">Kjo lyp ripohim dorazi, në rast akti paniku</string>
+  <!--Settings Notifications-->
+  <string name="notification_settings_title">Njoftime</string>
+  <string name="notify_private_messages_setting">Shfaq sinjalizime për mesazhe private</string>
+  <string name="notify_group_messages_setting">Shfaq sinjalizime për mesazhe grupi</string>
+  <string name="notify_forum_posts_setting">Shfaq sinjalizime për postime forumi</string>
+  <string name="notify_blog_posts_setting">Shfaq sinjalizime për postime blogu</string>
+  <string name="notify_vibration_setting">Dridhu</string>
+  <string name="notify_sound_setting">Tingull</string>
+  <string name="notify_sound_setting_default">Zilja parazgjedhje</string>
+  <string name="notify_sound_setting_disabled">Asnjë</string>
+  <string name="choose_ringtone_title">Zgjidhni zile</string>
+  <!--Settings Feedback-->
+  <string name="feedback_settings_title">Përshtypje</string>
+  <string name="send_feedback">Dërgoji përshtypjet</string>
+  <!--Link Warning-->
+  <string name="link_warning_title">Sinjalizim Lidhjeje</string>
+  <string name="link_warning_intro">Ju ndan një hap nga hapja e lidhjes vijuese me një aplikacion të jashtëm.</string>
+  <string name="link_warning_text">Kjo mund të përdoret për t’ju identifikuar. Mendohuni nëse e besoni apo jo personin që ju dërgoi këtë lidhje dhe shihni mundësinë e hapjes së sja me Orfox</string>
+  <string name="link_warning_open_link">Hape Lidhjen</string>
+  <!--Crash Reporter-->
+  <string name="crash_report_title">Njoftim Vithisjesh Briar</string>
+  <string name="briar_crashed">Na ndjeni, Briar-i u vithis.</string>
+  <string name="not_your_fault">S’është faji juaj.</string>
+  <string name="please_send_report">Ju lutemi, na ndihmoni të ndërtojmë një Briar më të mirë, duke na dërguar një njoftim vithisjeje.</string>
+  <string name="report_is_encrypted">Premtojmë që njoftimi fshehtëzohet dhe dërgohet në mënyrë të sigurt.</string>
+  <string name="feedback_title">Përshtypje</string>
+  <string name="describe_crash">Përshkruani se ç’ndodhi (në daçi)</string>
+  <string name="enter_feedback">Jepni përshtypjet tuaja</string>
+  <string name="optional_contact_email">Adresa juaj email (në daçi)</string>
+  <string name="include_debug_report_crash">Përfshi të dhëna anonime rreth vithisjes</string>
+  <string name="include_debug_report_feedback">Përfshi të dhëna anonime rreth kësaj pajisjeje</string>
+  <string name="could_not_load_report_data">S’u ngarkuan dot të dhëna njoftimi.</string>
+  <string name="send_report">Dërgoje njoftimin</string>
+  <string name="close">Mbylle</string>
+  <string name="dev_report_saved">Njoftimi u ruajt. Do të dërgohet herën tjetër që do të hyni në Briar.</string>
+  <!--Sign Out-->
+  <string name="progress_title_logout">Po dilet nga Briar-i…</string>
diff --git a/briar-android/src/org/briarproject/android/ b/briar-android/src/org/briarproject/android/
index 24289ee831..12d29096b8 100644
--- a/briar-android/src/org/briarproject/android/
+++ b/briar-android/src/org/briarproject/android/
@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ public class SplashScreenActivity extends BaseActivity {
 	private static final Logger LOG =
-	// This build expires on 1 December 2016
-	private static final long EXPIRY_DATE = 1480546800 * 1000L;
+	// This build expires on 1 January 2017
+	private static final long EXPIRY_DATE = 1483225200 * 1000L;
 	protected ConfigController configController;