diff -Bbur jtorctl/net/freehaven/tor/control/TorControlConnection.java jtorctl-briar/net/freehaven/tor/control/TorControlConnection.java
--- jtorctl/net/freehaven/tor/control/TorControlConnection.java	2014-10-03 12:21:51.883098440 +0100
+++ jtorctl-briar/net/freehaven/tor/control/TorControlConnection.java	2014-10-06 16:28:53.516851714 +0100
@@ -728,5 +728,19 @@
         sendAndWaitForResponse("CLOSECIRCUIT "+circID+
                                (ifUnused?" IFUNUSED":"")+"\r\n", null);
+    /** Tells Tor to exit when this control connection is closed. This command
+     * was added in Tor
+     */
+    public void takeOwnership() throws IOException {
+        sendAndWaitForResponse("TAKEOWNERSHIP\r\n", null);
+    }
+    /** Tells Tor to forget any cached client state relating to the hidden
+     * service with the given hostname (excluding the .onion extension).
+     */
+    public void forgetHiddenService(String hostname) throws IOException {
+        sendAndWaitForResponse("FORGETHS " + hostname + "\r\n", null);
+    }