Translation of Briar Desktop is provided by the Localization Lab. To make
Briar Desktop available in your language, please visit and ask to join one of the LocLab’s
language teams. You’ll then be able to contribute on
The Localization Lab has some instructions and advice for
translators at
#### Updating translations in Briar Desktop
_This section is of interest only for developers of Briar Desktop_.
To update translations locally, first install `transifex-client`. You can then pull updates with `tx pull -a`.
The Localization Lab has some instructions and advice for
developers, too, at
This is how updating translations in Briar Desktop works:
* Transifex periodically fetches the source file from
* Translators submit their updates via Transifex
* We pull the updates from Transifex and commit them before each release
* Occasionally we make minor updates locally and push them to Transifex
Translations only happen on Transifex. You might want to make your changes through Transifex by joining the respective language teams.
To test Briar Desktop in your language, add the following entry to the
_finish-args_ list in _app.briar.desktop.json_ when building Briar Desktop with
There's also a section in [](./
dedicated to testing of different locales in order to try out translations.