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use native libNotify to show notifications on Linux systems

parent a56e0603
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1 merge request!214Show notification and play sound for new messages on Linux
......@@ -52,6 +52,9 @@ import org.briarproject.bramble.util.OsUtils.isMac
import org.briarproject.briar.attachment.AttachmentModule
import org.briarproject.briar.desktop.notification.NotificationProvider
import org.briarproject.briar.desktop.notification.StubNotificationProvider
import org.briarproject.briar.desktop.notification.linux.LibnotifyNotificationProvider
import org.briarproject.briar.desktop.settings.UnencryptedSettings
import org.briarproject.briar.desktop.settings.UnencryptedSettingsImpl
import org.briarproject.briar.desktop.threading.BriarExecutors
......@@ -173,4 +176,9 @@ internal class DesktopModule(
internal fun provideImageCompressor(imageCompressor: ImageCompressorImpl): ImageCompressor {
return imageCompressor
internal fun provideNotificationProvider(): NotificationProvider =
if (isLinux()) LibnotifyNotificationProvider else StubNotificationProvider
......@@ -16,43 +16,20 @@
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
package org.briarproject.briar.desktop;
package org.briarproject.briar.desktop.notification
import com.sun.jna.Library;
import com.sun.jna.Native;
import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
public class TestNativeNotifications {
public interface LibNotify extends Library {
LibNotify INSTANCE = Native.load("notify", LibNotify.class);
boolean notify_init(String appName);
Pointer notify_notification_new(String summary, String body,
String icon);
boolean notify_notification_show(Pointer notification, Pointer error);
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Initializing libnotify");
LibNotify.INSTANCE.notify_init("jna sandbox");
System.out.println("Creating a notification");
Pointer notification = LibNotify.INSTANCE.notify_notification_new(
"Hey there", "You've got 13 new messages",
interface NotificationProvider {
val available: Boolean
fun init()
fun uninit()
fun notifyPrivateMessages(num: Int)
System.out.println("Sending the notification");
LibNotify.INSTANCE.notify_notification_show(notification, null);
object StubNotificationProvider : NotificationProvider {
override val available: Boolean
get() = false
System.out.println("Waiting a few seconds");
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
override fun init() {}
override fun uninit() {}
override fun notifyPrivateMessages(num: Int) {}
* Briar Desktop
* Copyright (C) 2021-2022 The Briar Project
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
package org.briarproject.briar.desktop.notification.linux
import com.sun.jna.Library
import com.sun.jna.Native
import com.sun.jna.Pointer
import mu.KotlinLogging
import org.briarproject.briar.desktop.notification.NotificationProvider
import org.briarproject.briar.desktop.utils.InternationalizationUtils.i18n
import org.briarproject.briar.desktop.utils.InternationalizationUtils.i18nP
import org.briarproject.briar.desktop.utils.KLoggerUtils.e
import org.briarproject.briar.desktop.utils.KLoggerUtils.i
object LibnotifyNotificationProvider : NotificationProvider {
private val LOG = KotlinLogging.logger {}
private var isAvailable: Boolean = false
private lateinit var libNotify: LibNotify
override val available: Boolean
get() = isAvailable
override fun init() {
try {
libNotify = Native.load("", // NON-NLS
} catch (err: UnsatisfiedLinkError) {
LOG.e { "unable to load libnotify" }
isAvailable = libNotify.notify_init(i18n("main.title"))
if (!isAvailable) {
LOG.e { "unable to initialize libnotify" }
// print notification server capabilities
val list = libNotify.notify_get_server_caps()
val capabilities = buildList {
for (i in 0 until libNotify.g_list_length(list)) {
add(libNotify.g_list_nth_data(list, i).getString(0))
LOG.i { "Notification server capabilities: " + capabilities.joinToString() }
override fun uninit() {
if (!isAvailable) return
isAvailable = false
override fun notifyPrivateMessages(num: Int) {
if (!isAvailable) return
* summary
* This is a single line overview of the notification.
* For instance, "You have mail" or "A friend has come online".
* It should generally not be longer than 40 characters, though this is not a requirement,
* and server implementations should word wrap if necessary.
* The summary must be encoded using UTF-8.
// todo: we could use body instead with markup (where supported)
val text = i18nP("notifications.message.private", num)
val notification = libNotify.notify_notification_new(text, null, null)
* desktop-entry
* This specifies the name of the desktop filename representing the calling program.
* This should be the same as the prefix used for the application's .desktop file.
* An example would be "rhythmbox" from "rhythmbox.desktop".
* This can be used by the daemon to retrieve the correct icon for the application, for logging purposes, etc.
// todo: desktop file usually not present for jar file, provide app_icon/image instead?
libNotify.notify_notification_set_desktop_entry(notification, "org.briarproject.Briar")
* suppress-sound
* Causes the server to suppress playing any sounds, if it has that ability.
* This is usually set when the client itself is going to play its own sound.
libNotify.notify_notification_set_suppress_sound(notification, true)
* category
* The type of notification this is: A received instant message notification.
libNotify.notify_notification_set_category(notification, "im.received")
if (!libNotify.notify_notification_show(notification, null)) {
// todo: error handling
LOG.e { "error while sending notification via libnotify" }
* Functions as defined in the source code at
private interface LibNotify : Library {
fun g_list_length(list: Pointer): Int
fun g_list_nth_data(list: Pointer, n: Int): Pointer
* Creates a new boolean GVariant instance -- either TRUE or FALSE.
* @param value a gboolean value
* @return a floating reference to a new boolean GVariant instance. [transfer none]
* @since 2.24
fun g_variant_new_boolean(value: Boolean): Pointer
* Creates a string GVariant with the contents of [string].
* @param string a normal utf8 nul-terminated string
* @return a floating reference to a new string GVariant instance. [transfer none]
* @since 2.24
fun g_variant_new_string(string: String): Pointer
* Initialize libnotify. This must be called before any other functions.
* @param app_name The name of the application initializing libnotify.
* @return true if successful, or false on error.
fun notify_init(app_name: String): Boolean
* Uninitialize libnotify.
* This should be called when the program no longer needs libnotify for
* the rest of its lifecycle, typically just before exiting.
fun notify_uninit()
* Synchronously queries the server for its capabilities and returns them in a #GList.
* @return [Pointer] to a #GList of server capability strings. Free
* the list elements with g_free() and the list itself with g_list_free().
fun notify_get_server_caps(): Pointer
* Creates a new #NotifyNotification. The summary text is required, but
* all other parameters are optional.
* @param summary The required summary text.
* @param body The optional body text.
* @param icon The optional icon theme icon name or filename.
* @return [Pointer] to the new #NotifyNotification.
fun notify_notification_new(summary: String, body: String?, icon: String?): Pointer
* Tells the notification server to display the notification on the screen.
* @param notification [Pointer] to the notification.
* @param error The returned error information.
* @return true if successful. On error, this will return false and set [error].
fun notify_notification_show(notification: Pointer, error: Pointer?): Boolean
* Sets a hint for [key] with value [value]. If [value] is null,
* a previously set hint for [key] is unset.
* If [value] is floating, it is consumed.
* @param notification [Pointer] to a #NotifyNotification
* @param key the hint key
* @param value [Pointer] to hint value as GVariant, or null to unset the hint
* @since 0.6
fun notify_notification_set_hint(notification: Pointer, key: String, value: Pointer?)
* Sets the category of this notification. This can be used by the
* notification server to filter or display the data in a certain way.
* @param notification [Pointer] to the notification.
* @param category The category.
fun notify_notification_set_category(notification: Pointer, category: String)
private fun LibNotify.notify_notification_set_desktop_entry(notification: Pointer, desktopEntry: String) {
val string = g_variant_new_string(desktopEntry)
notify_notification_set_hint(notification, "desktop-entry", string) // NON-NLS
private fun LibNotify.notify_notification_set_suppress_sound(notification: Pointer, suppressSound: Boolean) {
val bool = g_variant_new_boolean(suppressSound)
notify_notification_set_hint(notification, "suppress-sound", bool) // NON-NLS
* Briar Desktop
* Copyright (C) 2021-2022 The Briar Project
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
package org.briarproject.briar.desktop.notification.linux
fun main() {
LibnotifyNotificationProvider.apply {
......@@ -48,9 +48,11 @@ import org.briarproject.bramble.api.lifecycle.LifecycleManager.LifecycleState.RU
import org.briarproject.bramble.api.lifecycle.event.LifecycleEvent
import org.briarproject.briar.api.conversation.event.ConversationMessageReceivedEvent
import org.briarproject.briar.desktop.DesktopFeatureFlags
import org.briarproject.briar.desktop.conversation.ConversationMessagesReadEvent
import org.briarproject.briar.desktop.expiration.ExpirationBanner
import org.briarproject.briar.desktop.login.ErrorScreen
import org.briarproject.briar.desktop.login.StartupScreen
import org.briarproject.briar.desktop.notification.NotificationProvider
import org.briarproject.briar.desktop.settings.UnencryptedSettings
import org.briarproject.briar.desktop.settings.UnencryptedSettings.Theme.AUTO
import org.briarproject.briar.desktop.settings.UnencryptedSettings.Theme.DARK
......@@ -97,6 +99,7 @@ constructor(
private val unencryptedSettings: UnencryptedSettings,
private val featureFlags: FeatureFlags,
private val desktopFeatureFlags: DesktopFeatureFlags,
private val notificationProvider: NotificationProvider,
) : BriarUi {
private var screenState by mutableStateOf(
......@@ -136,11 +139,25 @@ constructor(
.toAwtImage(LocalDensity.current, LocalLayoutDirection.current, Size(32f, 32f))
DisposableEffect(Unit) {
// todo: hard-coded messageCount doesn't account for unread messages on application start
// also see
var messageCount = 0
val eventListener = EventListener { e ->
if (e is LifecycleEvent && e.lifecycleState == RUNNING)
screenState = MAIN
if (e is ConversationMessageReceivedEvent<*> && !focusState.focused) {
window.iconImage = iconBadge
when (e) {
is LifecycleEvent ->
if (e.lifecycleState == RUNNING) screenState = MAIN
is ConversationMessageReceivedEvent<*> -> {
if (!focusState.focused) {
window.iconImage = iconBadge
is ConversationMessagesReadEvent -> {
messageCount -= e.count
if (messageCount < 0) messageCount = 0
val focusListener = object : WindowFocusListener {
......@@ -154,12 +171,14 @@ constructor(
onDispose {
......@@ -250,6 +250,9 @@ is a test version of Briar that will expire to
expiration.banner.part1.nozero={0, plural, one {This is a test version of Briar that will expire tomorrow.} other {This is a test version of Briar that will expire in {0} days.}}
expiration.banner.part2=Please update to a newer version in time.
# Notification
notifications.message.private={0, plural, one {New private message.} other {{0} new private messages.}}
# Settings
......@@ -53,6 +53,9 @@ import org.briarproject.briar.api.test.TestAvatarCreator
import org.briarproject.briar.attachment.AttachmentModule
import org.briarproject.briar.desktop.notification.NotificationProvider
import org.briarproject.briar.desktop.notification.StubNotificationProvider
import org.briarproject.briar.desktop.notification.linux.LibnotifyNotificationProvider
import org.briarproject.briar.desktop.settings.UnencryptedSettings
import org.briarproject.briar.desktop.settings.UnencryptedSettingsImpl
import org.briarproject.briar.desktop.testdata.DeterministicTestDataCreator
......@@ -180,6 +183,11 @@ internal class DesktopTestModule(
return imageCompressor
internal fun provideNotificationProvider(): NotificationProvider =
if (isLinux()) LibnotifyNotificationProvider else StubNotificationProvider
internal fun provideTestAvatarCreator(testAvatarCreator: TestAvatarCreatorImpl): TestAvatarCreator {
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