Add small example for testing a11y stuff
I started adapting the example from here: and modified it a little bit to go more in the direction of how we try to do things in the settings details.
I think this example highlights some of the things that seem to be broken:
When I start this, and while the window is focussed, enable VoiceOver, the first row is focussed, i.e. I see a black frame around "Some label: Click Me!" and VoiceOver speaks:
- "VoiceOver on java, Accessible Buttons, window Some label:", "Click to increment value, You are currently on a text element."
I can then navigate in between the two rows using "Tab".
Focusing the first line makes VoiceOver speak this:
- "Click Me!, button"; "foo, You are currently on a button. To click this button, press Control-Option-Space"
Focusing the second line makes VoiceOver speak this:
- "Click Me!, button"; "You are currently on a button, group. To click this button, press Control-Option-Space"
Some things to note:
- While the two rows are defined in the exact same way (just a different label), VoiceOver puts together a different overall message.
- The initial focus of the first line produces a different output than subsequent occurrences of it getting focused using Tab-navigation.
I think usually you are supposed to navigate between different parts of the screen with CTRL+ALT+Arrow keys when using VoiceOver. In that case, it reads to me:
- "Another label:" (short pause) "Click to increment value, Du bist jetzt auf: Textelement"
Not really sure what to do about all this :P