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0.2.1 Misc UI Tweaks

paul requested to merge 02-misc-ui-tweaks into main

This MR provides some UI tweaks that I ran into after dogfooding Briar Desktop for the past couple of weeks.

  • Reverted button padding on "Add Contact", "Add Picture", and "Cancel Introduction" buttons
  • Reduced padding around online indicator to allow for better use of space on Contact Cards
  • Fixed bg color on introduction drawer to surfaceVariant everywhere (previously the bg color was not uniform throughout).
  • Made introduction drawer header "X" button actually line up with contact list (was off by a few pixels before)
  • Introduction drawer now centers profile pictures and alias'.
  • ProfilePictures and MessageCounters now use 1px borders to better match briar android.
  • AddContactDialog now uses correct typography in TextInput placeholders.
  • Remove ConversationList padding, the scrollbar for private messages now lives in the "gutter" between outgoing messages and the window's end.
  • Bump font size of ExposedDropDownMenu to typography.body1 to match everything else.
  • Add auto-formatting rule that fixed ktlint problems I was running into.





Edited by paul

Merge request reports
