Select Git revision
- Branches 20
- 141-minify-using-proguard
- 156-native-notifications
- 186-allow-to-close-window-without-logging-out
- 190-analyze-dependencies
- 222-vagrant-debian-setup
- 311-disable-copy-and-paste-on-password-fields
- 332-material-search-ui
- 336-blocked-ui-thread
- 359-automated-screenshots
- 359-automated-screenshots-via-testing-api
- 359-automated-screenshots-via-testing-api-WIP
- 374-localized-timestamps
- 381-windows-notifications
- 381-windows-notifications-dorkbox
- 397-ktlint-compose
- 453-invitation-open
- a11y-experiments
- add-some-logging-concerning-private-group-sharing
- briar-theming
- client-versioning-logging
- Tags 13
- 0.6.3-beta
- 0.6.2-beta
- 0.6.1-beta
- 0.6.0-beta
- 0.5.0-beta
- 0.4.2-beta
- 0.4.1-beta
- 0.4.0-beta
- 0.3.1-beta
- 0.3.0-beta
- 0.2.1-beta
- 0.2.0-beta
- 0.1.0-beta
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