Besides automated testing, each release should be thoroughly tested manually as well. The following test protocol gives an idea what can be tested. Also see the relevant [Testing page]( of Briar Android.
# General
* [x] Create an account
* [ ] Upgrade from previous Briar Desktop version(s)
* [x] Add a Briar Android instance as a contact
* [x] Fall back to local communication in Android app without Internet (hotspot by Android)
## Private Chat
* [x] Chat with that contact, in both directions both text and images with and without captions
## Private Groups
* [x] Create a Private Group and share it with the contact (two times, declined and accepted by the contact)
* [x] Accept and decline invitations to Private Groups
* [x] Chat in those Private Groups, with and without replies to other messages
## Forums
* [x] Create a Forum and share it with a contact (two times, declined and accepted by the contact)
* [x] Accept and decline invitations to Forums
* [x] Chat in those Forums, with and without replies to other messages
## Blogs
* [x] Create a Blog Post
* [x] Receive Blog Posts by contact after adding them
* [x] Accept a shared RSS feed from Android view Blog Posts (see #559)
* [x] Comment on a Blog Post
## Mailbox
* [x] Link a Mailbox
* [x] Unlink a Mailbox
* [x] Send and receive messages via Mailbox while offline
## Settings
* [x] Change UI scale
* [x] Change language
* [x] Change theme
* [x] Activate and deactivate visual and/or audio notifications