An error occurred while fetching participants.
Store contacts in mailbox DB
Create a table in the mailbox DB for storing contacts, including:
- Integer contact ID provided by Briar
- Auth token
- Incoming and outgoing folder IDs
Create a table in the mailbox DB for storing contacts, including:
When these merge requests are accepted, this issue will be closed automatically.
changed milestone to %Mailbox: Database
assigned to @sebkur
mentioned in issue #57 (closed)
mentioned in issue #58 (closed)
mentioned in merge request !19 (closed)
added S: in progress label
mentioned in merge request !24 (merged)
marked this issue as related to #4 (closed)
mentioned in commit 91bd3c2a
closed with merge request !24 (merged)
added R: fixed label and removed S: in progress label
added Mailbox app label