There was a problem fetching the pipeline metadata.
Merge branch '62-roboguice-endless-error-loop' into 'master'
improved the crash handler and refactored the manifest Improved the CrashReportActivity by putting the activity within its own process, making it a single instance and making sure it won't show up on the recent app list. The old structure could create endless crash-loops and might not start the CrashReportActivity on process-related exception such as OutOfMemory because the process simply will not have the resources to do so. This problem is now fixed. Concerning Roboguide: the problem is that every time a new task is started the xml file will be reloaded, at least with this branch there will not be an endless loop. By updating to Roboguice 3 the problem will be eliminated completely as that version has stopped using the xml file and reverted to manifest tags instead. It is getting very tempting to update. Closes #67 See merge request !22
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