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[WIP] Update to Javalin 3.x and try to enable Swagger

Nico requested to merge (removed):1578-swagger-docs into master

In #1578 we've decided to move forward with Briar Headless' documentation by using Swagger. It seems to have good support in Javalin with the OpenAPI Plugin.

However, according to this GitHub comment, it seems that OpenAPI/Swagger support came with Javalin 3.0.0. Briar Headless currently uses 2.8.0. Since it's a major release, Javalin offers a 2 to 3 migration guide. To quote from the 3.0.0 release news:

What’s changed since Javalin 2.8 ?

According to the gitlog, 200+ files have changed, with ~6000 additions and ~2500 deletions. The OpenAPI integration is about ~3000 additions, [...]

Trying to compile Briar Headless (./gradlew --configure-on-demand briar-headless:jar) as it is with this MR fails totally:

To resume, it seems like #1578 is currently blocked by the outstanding migration from Javalin 2 to 3.

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