Condition display of progressbar on a isCreatingAccount LiveData
Avoiding the mess with saving onSaveInstanceState, and the (in this case) unwanted restoring of it upon back-button tap.
Closes #1919 (closed)
Test instructions:
- Precondition: fresh install, setting up a new account
- Testing specific bug fix:
- Choose a name, tap next
- Choose a password, tap next
- Not testable on some devices which display "Create account" instead of "Next"
- You are now on Background connections screen
- Tap Back-button ◁
- Ensure that password can be changed again
- During setup process, rotate device and ensure that:
- entered text is kept
- progressbar is continuously displayed
- Testing specific bug fix:
Please also verify that the following is fixed and can be closed: #1819 (closed) (Create Account-button should never visible when account is already being created)
Edited by Daniel Lublin