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Add support for Ed25519 signatures

akwizgran requested to merge ed25519 into master

This branch adds support for Ed25519 signatures, which will be the default for 1.0. Support for the old ECDSA algorithm hasn't been removed, so this branch is backwards compatible.

By adding Ed25519 support to the beta and exchanging public keys with our beta contacts before the expiry date, we open up the possibility of migrating beta contacts to 1.0. Migration would work as follows:

  • The first beta release that supports Ed25519 (probably 0.16.13) generates an Ed25519 key pair and exchanges public keys with contacts when they upgrade to the same release
  • The final beta release (maybe 0.16.13, or maybe a later release) has the ability to export the user's identity, contacts and settings to an instance of Briar 1.0 running on the same device, probably via a ContentProvider
  • Briar 1.0 has the ability to import the user's identity, contacts and settings from an instance of Briar Beta running on the same device, rather than creating a new account
  • Contacts who haven't exchanged Ed25519 keys by the expiry date can't be migrated

Merge request reports