<p><strong>Julian Dehm</strong> is an advocate of freedom of speech and movement. He studies computer science at Freie Universität Berlin with a focus on security and privacy. He's contributing to Briar in his spare time and is working on a funded project to improve Briar's battery usage and message delivery even when contacts are not online at the same time.</p>
<p><strong>Julian Dehm</strong> is an advocate of freedom of speech and movement. He studies computer science at Freie Universität Berlin with a focus on security and privacy. He's contributing to Briar in his spare time and is working on a funded project to improve Briar's battery usage and message delivery even when contacts are not online at the same time.</p>
<p><strong>Benedikt Wieder</strong> has contributed to a variety of open source projects ranging from artistic tools to security applications. During his bachelor studies in Computer Science he researched and worked with variations of the Kademlia distributed hash table (DHT) and the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) for use in secure communication.</p>
<h4>Past Contributors</h4>
<p><strong>Ernir Erlingsson</strong> has been building mobile applications on multiple platforms for over a decade. He is a full stack developer, and an avid supporter of open-source software, with a keen interest in theoretical computer science and algorithms.</p>
<p><strong>Ernir Erlingsson</strong> has been building mobile applications on multiple platforms for over a decade. He is a full stack developer, and an avid supporter of open-source software, with a keen interest in theoretical computer science and algorithms.</p>
<p><strong>Jack Grigg</strong> is a core developer of the I2P anonymity network and lead developer of I2P Android. He has a keen interest in privacy and anonymity research, and enjoys helping other developers create privacy-respecting software. He is also a budding UX enthusiast and holds a PhD in Applied Physics from Lincoln University, New Zealand.</p>
<p><strong>Bernard Tyers</strong> is an independent interaction designer and user researcher. He is interested in privacy and applying user-centred design to usable security. He is a long-time supporter of the Open Rights Group, Tor and free software projects.</p>
<p><strong>Bernard Tyers</strong> is an independent interaction designer and user researcher. He is interested in privacy and applying user-centred design to usable security. He is a long-time supporter of the Open Rights Group, Tor and free software projects.</p>
<p><strong>Jack Grigg</strong> is a core developer of the I2P anonymity network and lead developer of I2P Android. He has a keen interest in privacy and anonymity research, and enjoys helping other developers create privacy-respecting software. He is also a budding UX enthusiast and holds a PhD in Applied Physics from Lincoln University, New Zealand.</p>
<p>Briar has received funding from <ahref="https://smallmedia.org.uk/"rel="noopener noreferrer"target="_blank">Small Media</a>, the <ahref="https://web.archive.org/web/20160413063937/https://www.openitp.org/"rel="noopener noreferrer"target="_blank">Open Internet Tools Project</a>, <ahref="https://accessnow.org/"rel="noopener noreferrer"target="_blank">Access</a>, the <ahref="https://www.opentech.fund/"rel="noopener noreferrer"target="_blank">Open Technology Fund</a>, the <ahref="https://prototypefund.de/"rel="noopener noreferrer"target="_blank">Prototype Fund</a>, and <ahref="https://www.internews.org/"rel="noopener noreferrer"target="_blank">Internews</a>.</p>
<p>Briar has received funding from <ahref="https://smallmedia.org.uk/"rel="noopener noreferrer"target="_blank">Small Media</a>, the <ahref="https://web.archive.org/web/20160413063937/https://www.openitp.org/"rel="noopener noreferrer"target="_blank">Open Internet Tools Project</a>, <ahref="https://accessnow.org/"rel="noopener noreferrer"target="_blank">Access</a>, the <ahref="https://www.opentech.fund/"rel="noopener noreferrer"target="_blank">Open Technology Fund</a>, the <ahref="https://prototypefund.de/"rel="noopener noreferrer"target="_blank">Prototype Fund</a>, and <ahref="https://www.internews.org/"rel="noopener noreferrer"target="_blank">Internews</a>.</p>
<p>To contact the team, please email <ahref="mailto:contact@briarproject.org">contact@briarproject.org</a> [<ahref="keys/contact.asc">PGP key</a>].</p>
<p>To contact the team, please email <ahref="mailto:contact@briarproject.org">contact@briarproject.org</a> [<ahref="keys/contact.asc">PGP key</a>].</p>