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Show forum sharing status in info drawer and forum subtitle

Mikolai Gütschow requested to merge 432-forum-sharing-status into main

Some impression:


I've added a custom InfoDrawer composable inspired by the provided ModalDrawer one, that opens from the right and has the Material design defined scrim effect (which is a bit different from our previous style). This InfoDrawer is used at a very high level of the UI tree (in MainScreen) and is interacted with (including setting the Composable content) using an InfoDrawerHandler that is available thanks to CompositionLocalProvider. This might be a viable approach for AlertDialogs as well (see #237).

I've also migrated the IntroductionDrawer to the new scheme.

Draft since based on !262 (merged).

Closes #432 (closed)

Edited by Sebastian

Merge request reports
