I recommend using a static site generator for the page to reduce duplicated code. When changing something in the header and footer, you shouldn't need to edit all pages.
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All the static site generators I've looked at are great for starting a new site, but a bit of a pain for importing an existing site. As an alternative I've been playing with Mustache as a simple way of inserting headers and footers into pages.
The only issue so far is that the header and footer contain relative URLs, so each directory needs its own headers and footers. We can easily solve that by converting the URLs to root-relative. That makes it slightly less convenient to preview the site locally (you have to use a localhost web server rather than just opening the HTML files in the browser), but overall it's still easier than converting the existing pages into the format expected by a static site generator.
Hello, my name is Jose Victor and I usually help translating Briar to Portuguese (Brazil). The fact that the Briar website is only in English doesn't help to make it more popular in non-English speaking countries. So it would be nice if there was a way to make the Briar website translatable.
I did a static website with Hugo a few days ago and after some initial confusion, I found it quite simple and up to the task of migrating an existing site to it.
Migrating the existing Briar website to it would probably take me ~3 hours. Add some extra time for news posts and integrating the manual and specs into it.
Thanks for offering help! That's very appreciated and needed. However, like you say, we need to decide about a way forward first. The other sane alternative to Hugo seems to be Jekyll, but I personally don't have experience with it.
Hugo does support multilingual sites natively. However that does not necessarily work well with tools like Transifex as they just expect another file per language for the translation.
Jekyll does not seem to support multilingual sites. In their documentation, they just link to a plugin that was last updates 4 years ago. However, there's many ways to add localization support. F-Droid has their own hacky system that uses gettext which would work with Transifex.
@micressor thanks for the offer! The problem is that translating the site should be integrated into our current translation infrastructure. Ideally, it shouldn't involve learning markdown, git and pull requests.
@grote I understand the problem. Hugo has i8n support, but you would have to work with many variables in the markdown files, I guess. Similar to the string files in the Briar app. It takes a little more research.